I am going to start moderating the blog.
What this means is, I'll have to approve your post before it gets posted.
Ill still let nearly all of them through. Ill just cut out "bad words" and "excessive negativity."
But I cant edit them. Ill have to either allow the whole post or reject it all.

Friday, June 20, 2008
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Once again, those who have the poser use it and those who don't write blogs
What's "the Poser"?
It seems to me that this is the exact reason why so many of us are upset. The business owners ar running this town. Now it gets so bad that they can't stand people saying negative things about them, so they BUY something to silence it. Censorship is so ugly, especially when one group has their finger on the button to silence another's thoughts.
So very sad.
I have seen nothing on here that has targeted any one business except Kuhn's, and even then some of them were deleted by james. Sure, Eaton and Bryant's gets lumped into the argument about why the Lowes didn't make it, but no one has targeted any of them per say.
Buncha whiners!!!!! waaa, I can't stand for people to pick on me!!!
That is rather childish of the business owners to threaten the newspaper that way all because of a couple of vicious people on the blogs. Is this the first time that anyone ever said anything bad about them? Doubt it. How DID they ever make it through life? I've had people say bad things about me before and just ignored it or if the gossip bothered me, I have been known to set the record straight instead sitting around fuming and taking my anger out on the wrong people, which is exactly what these business owners are doing. If they feel lies are being posted,then maybe they should try participating in the blogs instead of waiting until they are so angry that they feel they need to take it out on the wrong people.
Too Bad! So Sad! I veiw these blogs as a living breathing adult comic strip. It makes me laugh until I cry at times. I also know that anyone can write anything they want. Anonymous post carry no weight, and should not be taken serious. I will agree that we need to be careful but come on, enjoy some life! Those that take the blogs as facts are just out of touch with reality.
I was in Walmart today and saw an elephant lose in womens clothing.
Have a good day, and don't let them beat you down James!
Censorship Sucks!
To anonymous :June 20, 2008 9:02 AM
Yes your right, we should not take you serious....btw nothing is ever completely anonymous on a computer.
keep your chin up & hang in there!
So, Bryant called the Newspaper and complained because someone said he didn't let people charge stuff?
Why not just come on here and say, "I'm sorry, but the previous poster was mistaken.. we do actually let people charge at our store. Thank you."
But NOOOOOO! He throws a big whiney baby fit and threatens to pull his advertising, etc unless they start censoring this blog.
Well, as a once frequent, and now FORMER customer, I say that was a very poor choice.
Thank You Traveler owners! At least you are honest, that it is about money. You have now proven that censorship is alive and well depending upon the highest bidder!
Let them pull ads- It's not like they will be around for much longer.
I'm sorry. Where did Mr. Jordan say business owners were calling in complaining? I guess I missed that part. I've been reading these blogs and they are beginning to attack people instead of having actual discussions. I think the Traveler is taking the proper steps.
Why is Zach so angry?
Everything jj has said has nothing to do with Bryant Hdwre.
Go back & read all jj's posts. Not ONE word about Zach or Bryant's to the negative.
(or anyone else around town)
I think Zach is just an angry young man. This is just a good place to lay his anger.
Too bad the Traveler gave in.
This does not speak well for the businesses that are involved in threatening the news paper.They will just be hurting themselves. we all need to know the truth and the paper needs to print it for all to see. It looks like a little B.... M... to me.
Anyone who expresses the truth to the best of their ability should be able to do so without anyone giving them crap.
I appologize to all who I offended on this blog. I did not mean to make it so personal with so many of you. I called the Traveler before my last comment and was told that jj had no time for me by the secretary. That is when I said to pull my adds. I never asked for censorship I only asked that blatant lies be retracted and suggested that they should be careful about slander. I have no use for a liar and while I am not calling James one I just ask that he researches his information a little more before putting it in print. But am I a whiny baby? Yep! Am I a pierced up tattooed weirdo with a bad sense of humor and a lack of filter on what I say? I am that too I guess. Sinse this has turned into Zach bashing then let me give everyone some ammo. I gave up one of the prettiest girls in town, I have no life other than coaching whatever little league sport is in season, I'm not half the man my dad uncle or grandfather were, my family all took the money and left while I am stupid enough to stay and keep fighting. Other than those things I thik all we have left is I'm tall, my breath smells funny and I have a weird mole on my back. Please feel free to use this in future bashings because all these statements are researched and true. I print my name running risk of losing business because I stand firm in my convictions and stand up for what I believe in. I challenge others to do the same. That would be the way I'd moniter this blog. Rid it of anonymous then there is no censorship needed. Just my opinion which is what we are trying not to censor but we are also boycotting people for.
A loyal Ark City native,
Zach Bryant
One last thing for the record. It's kind of embarassing really but I'm sure my advertising budget doesn't threaten the Traveler much. It wasn't a whole lot of money. Just wasn't paying for something that they seem to give to Lowes for free.
y last comment and was told that jj had no time for me by the secretary.
Well i hope she didnt use those exact words.
but if you call around 11 or 12 in the morning, you probably wont get through as im trying to get the paper out.
you can always leave a message on my phone even if you cant get through.
i was surprised because i thought there were much worse things posted earlier.
can we leave this to rest now?
I do think censor ship sucks, and there SHOUlD be no need for it. And if you do start censoring this blog I believe it would be wrong. Look at Winfields forum....nothing there. At least we have opinions and post them. Censor Heir JJ!
As you can see, most stuff is getting through.
Ive only deleted one so far.
Ive been deleting offensive ones already.
The only difference is that I have to look at them first.
But i am still not going to edit any posts.
This whole internet thing is a whole new world. No one really knows how to control it, and it cant really be controlled.
I read a column somewhere, where the writer was saying the days of newspapers deciding what is news, and controlling what people see are gone because of the Internet.
I think he was right.
To everyone thinking that Lowes was the "be all, end all" of retail in this town:
Was anyone besides me dissappointed when Walmart "Lite" went in. I thought that we were getting a Supercenter comparable to Derby or Ponca City. We get a scaled down version of the real thing and I still have to go elsewhere to find what I need.
And my first excursion through the new Walgreens "Lite". What a horrible excuse for a new drug store in our town. I am sure that Graves and Taylors took one look around and just shrugged... no big deal here!! And good lord, the prices are outrageous. I thought I was shopping in a convenience store.
My point in a round about way is this, If we would have secured an agreement with Lowes, we no doubt would have been treated to their junior version and we would still either have to go to a locally owned hardware store or head out of town to find the items to finish projects.
So maybe the commision really did have our town's best interest at heart and perhaps it has nothing to do with the good ol boy network that I read on here so often. I tend to think that those leading our city just wanted to keep Ark City off of the retail giant's Dollar Menu.
Lets talk about this anonymous thing. Most on here complain about other staying anonymous but if you look at it close to everyone on here is. Just because you use a first name doesn't change you from the same thing as those that use nothing. I could type on here 5 times and never use the same name or make you think your talking to someone in not. To truely get out from behind the anonymous label speak your mind in a public forum in person. You complain that nobody that stays anonymous has an opinion that counts. Then you bash the ones who do use there names. Just because someone stays anonymous doesn't mean there opinions are wrong or are less valid than others. if I remember correctly all of you who votes does that anonymously. I have personally seen only a couple people who use there whole names and I commend them for it.
Chris H.
If that is truely me.
, If we would have secured an agreement with Lowes, we no doubt would have been treated to their junior version
This is a great point. The corridor study that said a Lowes would work was referring to the junior version.
The Wal-Mart is certainly the junior version. My sweet wife tells me that their garden center is actually worse now than it was before. And she says the quality of their plants is poor.
The junior version would have still brought some jobs to the area and tax revenue to the city. Good or bad, we choose to make a snap decision without hearing the rest of the story.
I think the "Lite" version of Lowe's is a good point. Our Wal-Mart is terrible, and I'm afraid people would have been disappointed with a new Lowe's. Kind of like a kid at Christmas who doesn't get what he asked for, we'd all have been pouting.
Oh, and for the record... I do everything in my power to stay out of Wally World. They make me sooooo mad. My brother makes fun of me because I have been kicked out of there twice. Long story...
Oh my gosh Keeli... you don't come off as seeming like the type to get kicked out of walmart!! But then we never truely know people, now do we? ;)
SG...I think it is supposed to be the power, silly!
Zach, I do not know you personally, but I know some of your family. I believe they are great people, so you automatically get a shoe in the door with me. I LOVED your reply. Nice to let people know that we are all humans with feelings, problems and (sometimes) dreams of owning a business in this town. Do not feel bad about getting emotional here. I can't hold it against you. Did I mention I've been kicked out of Wal-Mart twice?
Ok Keeli
anyone who has been kicked out of walmart has my respect.
Id really like to hear the story, im sure everyone else would too.
Yeah Keeli, do so tell us the story!
What I find very funny is that everyone hates Walmart but their parking lot is always full when I visit. Although I don't always agree with their management tatics, if they weren't here, where would we shop? Ponca, Wichita or outside of Ark City. Rest assured, Alot of Ark City stores do not have the merchandise or prices that Walmart offers. We ditch the store but don't hesatate to take their tax revenue.
Back to my post about Walmart and Walgreens "Lite". I understand that we shouldn't look the gift horse in the mouth with regard to our community gaining revenue from these corporations. My point is, why don't we deserve the same that Ponca City or Derby has?
I know this is a lot of hot air and that corporations will do whatever they want, whenever they want, but as someone who has lived in Ark City since 1972, I believe this community deserves a lot more than we are getting from the chains.
I sure do miss the old days of a vibrant downtown area with the likes of Wright-Burton Hardware, a couple of shoe stores, Newmans, and a couple of men's and women's clothing stores... not to mention the 5 and 10s.
Remember, we had two hardware stores within 2 blocks of each other back in the day that were able to compete and thrive.
We still have two local cornerstone drugstores within 50 yards of each other and they seem to fare pretty well. Heck, (and I am continuing down memory lane), Peterson's Drug store was right across the street from Alberts (Taylors) and 3 or 4 doors down from Graves.
I know a lot of them are not here now but they co-existed for a long time until Rodeo & Total left and took all the good paying jobs with them.
Most seem to think that Lowe's was a savior and Wal-Mart as well. This isn't the truth.As with Wal-Mart I thought I could save alot by going there but come to find out after a little comparing I was wrong. True you can save money on certain items but for a total I could spend less shopping at Countrymart. Better yet as who by from there you don't get any customer servise or quality. I worked for a manufacturing company that supplied electronics to Wal-Mart as well as to others. A part that wouldn't meet quality standards for one company was good enough for Wal-Mart. So in the long run paying a little more for servise and an item that would last longer seems like a better deal.
Chris H.
Only time will tell. People, we need to appreciate what we have, believe for progress, and learn to live in a community.
God bless you all.
p.s. Zach, you're doing a pretty good business. Keep the Faith!
Thank you for your reply to Zach. I wanted to show some understanding and support but couldn't find the right words. Running a business is a very difficult and emotional endeavor. I am sure that most people on here would be fighting mad if you started talking about close friends and family members. A business is an extension of yourself, especially, one that has been a part of your family and (in Zach's case) defined your life. It is incredibly hard not take it personally.
However, that doesn't mean that writing a diatribe on a blog is good for business but too err is human. And that is the great thing about small businesses they are run by real, live people with feelings. They are not a faceless corporate board in a big city. They coach little league games, volunteer to ring bells, and leave their family on Christmas day to make sure that your broken camcorder is fixed before your family leaves on their dream vacation to Hawaii.
As far as, I can tell from reading these blogs the downtown business owners are not the only ones ruining Ark City.
Here are some other groups that should take some of the blame according to the blogs:
Commissioners(past and present)
illegal immigrants
ark city industries
home national bank
union state bank
voters (after all they elected the 3 amigos)
kan pac
gang members
business owners(not just downtown)
negative people
beer garden organizers
And anyone with either above/below a 5th grade education depending on which side you are on.
Yeah! Enquiring minds want to know.
Like I said, it is a long story and James said people only read the first 200 words. Ha-ha!
Part of the reason I hate Wally World is that they DO own us. I do my best to find things outside of their walls, but certain things can not be found or will cost you double. I keep trying, though. In my opinion, if we give all of our business to them, we will loose our options because everyone else will be out of business. What will happen then? Then Wal-Mart could charge whatever they want and they will truely own us. I have not seen Target breaking ground in our area! Who else can compete?
The comment about WM's quality is right, too. I have seen them drive the quality out of products while demanding cheaper prices from their suppliers every year. I helped make coolers for 15 years in Winfield and saw it first hand.
Seriously, the people at their return desk know me by name!
I keep trying to brainwash my kids into believing Wal-Mart is the devil, but until someone puts in a jaw-dropping fantasy land of a toy store downtown, I do not think they are gonna fall for it.
So....how bout it Kelli. You gonna tell us the story of your wal-mart encounter?
Well, I'm not good at making long stories short, but here goes.
Round #1 - I wanted Christmas lights put on my house one year, but was pregnant so I made my husband do it (only to find out later that he was DEATHLY afraid of heights). Anyway, he ran out of those clippy things and told me to go to WM to get more. He refused to get down from the roof to go with me and he just curled up in a ball and said to hurry. When I got to WM I got a little bit distracted by a really cool wreath that would look sooooo good on my front door. Problem was, that it was stacked on a shelf almost to the ceiling. I asked the nice gentleman in the blue vest if he would get it down for me. He said, "Here's one right here on the bottom shelf." I explained that the one on the bottom had a candy-apple red bow, but the one on top had a burgandy bow (which would match the bricks on the front of my house). He said, "They are the same color." I explained that they were not, but the arguement just went on from there. (I know, guys just are not getting this. Right?) After I realised that he was not going to help me and started to get mouthy, I took another aproach. I kindly explained that if he was not going to get it down, that I was going to climb the ladder myself. I told him that if I fell and lost my baby that WM would probably not be very happy with him. Finally, I won and got my wreath. In the meantime, my two dogs (left in the bed of my truck) decided that it would be fun to scare the be-jesus out of an old lady trying to get in her car parked next to mine. Sooo, I hear over the intercom "Would the person driving the green Chevy truck with two black dogs in the back please come to the front desk?" So I ran over to see what was going on. When they told me, I quickly paid for my really cool wreath and went outside. The lady was pinned up against her car trembling in fear as my dogs leaned over at her barking. I freaked out! They had never done anything like this before. I jerked their collars back and spanked them. The manager of Wal-Mart told me I was being cruel to animals and told me to "leave and never come back". At this point, I'm really not liking WM staff and think they are all nuts. I said something to him which might get me arrested (not sure) and left. Oh, and by the way... I forgot the clippy things and my husband was still on the roof in the fetal position waiting on me. He's such a sweety! Oh, and the cheap China-made wreath faded after one season of use and the bow is now candy-apple red.
Round #2 - I went grocery shopping at the NEW IMPROVED WM the first week they were opened, only to get home without my milk. I went back and talked to the lady at the CS desk. She pulled out a spiral notebook with 7 pages front and back filled out stuff customers had been shorted (eaten by the bagging table). She said that was just since the new store had opened. This bothered me.
The next time I shopped there, I ran into a long check out line. I stood there for 30 minutes listening to everyone else in line complain. I, however, reminded myself to keep my cool. Once, a lady in front of me asked a blue vest passing by if there was anything they could do. They told her it was not their department and left. So, now everyone is REALLY griping. I, however, kept my cool. When it was finally my turn, I began pulling bags off the turn table and putting them in my cart. However, I was not fast enough. The next customer's stuff started going into bags before I got mine off. I said something like this, "Hey, do not start bagging their stuff until I get mine off. I want to get home with all of my things this time so I do not have to come back AGAIN!" Next thing I know, a manager is jumping down my throat telling me that I will not talk to her checker like that. I'm thinking, "What?"
That's when my red hair set fire, my head spun around 3 times and I said, "How about I talk to her like this?" Then I said some things I KNOW would get me arrested. She said, "You need to leave and never come back!" I said, "Yeah, Yeah I know the drill" and began looking for my kids. Well, it turns out they went to the truck without me. I guess I embarrassed them a little. Go figure!
Told you it was a long story! I look back now feeling really stupid, but my family gets a good laugh.
Great stories keeli
in your case ill make an exception to the 200 word rule. i read it all.
were those dogs labs?
Thanks Keeli for sharing those stories. I laughed til I cried.
God bless you.
Different WM..Different Managers..
Different attitudes.
BTW... you never 'start' another customer UNTIL you have 'completed' the last customer. (and that means, being sure that their items are in their basket and that they are ready to leave the lane)
What happened to common sense.
(I 'worked' for WM) hahaha
COURTESY!!!! and a smile is much better than a frown... from both sides of the checkout lane.
And, last but not least:
"the customer is 'always' right" . At least that's what SAM used to say to us.
And, last but not least:
"the customer is 'always' right" . At least that's what SAM used to say to us.
Sam's gone now. He would probably slap these people that are running WM now. It's horrible.
I'm not one to complain. Really. But, I must admit I have called Bentonville about the looong checkout lines in the peak times.
BTW the checkout line "ate" some of my stuff too. Now I make sure I have everything I paid for before I leave. Bet WM made a bunch of $$ on that little checkout roundabout machine.
Thanks Keeli!!!
Enjoyed reading.
In the old days, you walked into a local store and the owner or worker greeted you with a smile and often with your name. They were courtious and helpful and appreciated your business. Now days, if you get a smile or greeting, it is often forced or fake. Walmart is not the only business in town that needs to take customer appreciation 101. Many of the business lack the no how or don't care to make your visit pleasant. I have often traveled out of my way to visit a store with higher prices but keeps a pleasant staff and makes you feel appreciated. Old time values have been lost in this day and time. A pleasant hello or smile could go a long way in keeping business alive.
I always make it a point to be friendly to them first and I usually get a positive response. I worked with the public for 6 years and you wouldn't believe the stuff you have to put up with sometimes!!
I agree. I sometimes think every person should have to work retail for at least 6 months. (preferably during the holiday season)
"I agree. I sometimes think every person should have to work retail for at least 6 months. (preferably during the holiday season)"
It sure would change the way some people treat retail salespeople. I've said the same thing many times.
If I had my way, I'd also have each young person spend at least 2 years in the armed services, too. But, that's another subject.
Someone in retail sales.
Keelie - your story was well told and I too read the entire thing! Thanks for the laugh. It's nice to know I'm not the only person who leaves WM so mad I could just spit.
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