Last night's work session was long. They went into executive session after four hours of meeting, to discuss "non elected personnel." Of course, that was to negotiate with Steve Archer for the job of city manager. Tonight he may get appointed.
There were several items of discussion before they even got to the agenda. This blog was even a topic of discussion. Dotty Smith and Patrick McDonald had an interesting "discussion" about the badges.
She explained her side of the story. She never tried to arrest anyone. She said she never "flashed" it. Im not sure what the difference is between "flashing" and "showing." She said she mostly shows it to kids in schools when she explains what a mayor is and what a mayor does. (Referring of course to when she was mayor.)
The badges are commemorative things that commissioners - and mayors - have received for years. Though I think there was a time recently when they were not getting them.
They are not very expensive in the overall scheme of things.
But Dotty pointed out to me that her badge was given to her by a friend.
There was someone who was upset with her for showing it to him on the street. This person threatened to write a letter to the editor, but never did. She said she only showed it to him to show that she was who she claimed to be.
I think its a tempest in a teapot, or much ado over nothing, or maybe some other Shakespeare play.
Speaking of the blog. Yesterday's post also got a reaction from the commission. Two commissioners called me.
I have to give Mell Kuhn credit here. He didn't like it and let me know exactly why it was he didn't like it. I saw him later on in the day, and he didn't act upset or anything. He voiced his opinion and objection about it and then moved on.
Patrick also called but I was really busy on deadline and didn't get to talk much.
So I guess the blog is getting some attention.
I think it can make a difference. The commissioners don't think they are being secretive or that they are withholding information. Maybe they are not for the most part. Still, sometimes the do give that impression. I should perhaps note here that I am talking about the three amigos.
In other items of discussion, they hospital board showed up and began making its pitch for a half-cent sales tax. This would have to go to voters. A sales tax is the fairest of taxes. Everyone pays.
They also talked about cutting some money from the friendship meal program. This is kind of an interesting issue. They are talking about cutting "extra" money that they have been giving the program. The funding for the program itself would remain in place. Other cities in our area do not give the program extra money, so it would bring us in line with what others do.
The city already contracts with a company to provide the meals both at the senior center and delivered. That would not be affected For some years the city has put additional money into the program, and that is what is being discussed.
The Vinelife church was also discussed. The city is trying to get out from under it. The folks at Vinelife are interested in taking it over. They currently lease the building.
More department heads also made their pitch to the commission for their annual budgets.
Tonight may not be as interesting, though we may get a new city manager.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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hmmmm. so much for all the secrecy. there isn't any. if you believe there is then you are just a blog-reader and not a reality-liver. try going to a meeting and see for yourself before you believe everything you read in the blogs written by the same 5 people with axes to grind.
Not everyone has an axe to grind.
However, I am grateful that they are reading the blogs. Perhaps that gives them an idea of how their community feels. I honestly believe there are voices here with several different opinions. Some are directed towards more personal attacks, but a few are really just concerned with the issues.
Sometimes I wish we could keep the personal things out and be more objective, even when it is hard to do. It is only human to judge others, but that does not make it right. I do not agree with James on many things, but do understand where he is coming from on moving forward.
For example, I know there are many who are upset over the Lowe's deal. That is their right, and they make some very good points which deserve to be heard. When they start name calling or making personal attacks, it really defeats their cause, though. Then you have the pro-commiss bloggers who, in an effort to support their side of the story, call names back. People have a tendency to ignore these kind of statements instead of thinking about the "facts" trying to be made. Sometimes, I am ashamed of both sides.
In the end, I think these blogs are a good thing. It's too bad people give bloggers a bad rap. Our opinions count too, right? You have to give us credit for one thing... We try to stay informed and obviously care enough about our community to discuss it and try to educate ourselves. How many hundreds of AC citizens do not even do that? Wouldn't it be great if everyone was involved and maybe even VOTED once in a while?
I appreciate your comment keeli, and I agree.
I like to read the different opinions, yet I truly dislike the personal attacks.
Best wishes to all...
I just read some of the "Blogs" for the first time. I must say what a disappointment, why can't you people be happy? Do you know what a blessing it is to live in Ark. City? You all talk about the 3 Amigoes, the Commission, the secrecy,the mayor, etc. etc. I would love to see you people that complain and bad mouth our leaders do better. I bet you have no idea how much time they spend trying to make the very best decisions for "our town" They are constantly being bombarded by "negative" people. Being scrutinized by every little thing they do. I would even venture to say this group of commissioners and mayor are the most honest, hard working, dedicated bunch that has ever been in office. Walk in their shoes, I dare you! They only want the very best for "our town".I personally think Mell Kuhn has already proven how much he cares, he has made alot of positive changes in the short time he has been our mayor. I bet he never dreamed how much time he would have to spend away from his own business, and away from his family. These city leader of ours spend a huge amount of time taking care of "our town". If you were to ask any one of them they will tell you that is their job, they love it,and they want to make a difference no matter how long it takes. Please everyone, stop being so critical toward our city leaders. If you truely care about Ark. City go out and do something to help "our town" instead of hurting it.
Well said.
I wouldnt argue with that at all
"...I would even venture to say this group of commissioners and mayor are the most honest, hard working, dedicated bunch that has ever been in office."
James- to your comment on Dottie "flashing" her badge. Yes she does this. I had spoken to a group of students just before Kuhn took over the mayor. They told me that she used her badge towards them saying she would have the police there because while talking among themselfs one of them used a curse word. I don't allow my kids to curse but it is prof that she tries to be a big shot with it.
I would venture to say that most of the armchair quarterbacks, are just that. (armchair quarterback.)
They sit and talk, or sit and type.
There's a new Sheriff in town boys, and her name is Dottie!
"Excuse me while I whip this out!"
Rest assured citizens of Ark City, that if Sheriff Dottie or any of the three amigos flash their badges at you and tell you to do something, you can tell them to go pound sand. They have ZERO authority past what any private citizen has.
They are just citizens... no more special than the next guy. It just goes to show you how pretentious they really are.
keeli said, "In the end, I think these blogs are a good thing. It's too bad people give bloggers a bad rap. Our opinions count too, right?"
Yes and no. YOUR opinion counts when you are a real person who puts their name down and writes their genuine opinion. Philosophically and hypothetically I'd agree with that all day long. You in fact would appear to be a real person even though I can't find your name in the phone book. I was going to call and talk to you and thank you for expressing your opinion even if I don't necessarily agree with it. I support your right to have one and express it here and agree to the value of that. But you (presumably) are a "real" person who is sincere in what you are expressing. For those who are here under false pretense or under a pseudonym, can't have too much respect for that and I don't think their opinions "count" because they are figments of the author's imagination.
"Yes and no. YOUR opinion counts when you are a real person who puts their name down and writes their genuine opinion."
That's pretty funny considering your posting under anonymous too!!!!
" ... can't have too much respect for that and I don't think their opinions "count" because they are figments of the author's imagination."
You tell 'em ANONYMOUS! They really should put their names if they want to be considered REAL. Way to go ANONYMOUS!
" ... can't have too much respect for that and I don't think their opinions "count" because they are figments of the author's imagination."
You tell 'em ANONYMOUS! They really should put their names if they want to be considered REAL. Way to go ANONYMOUS!
If you call my house, be sure to tell me it's anonymous calling, so I'll know who you are!
Which anonymous would that be sg!!! HA!HA! You crack me up!
Sincerely yours,
Thank God the badge flap is over and life can get back to what passes for normal. I think these blogs would carry more weight if more people came out from underneath their shield of anominity, don't you?
I think these blogs would carry more weight if more people came out from underneath their shield of anominity, don't you?
Definitely !
I dont give the anonymous ones much respect.
I think people should at least put some sort of name on here.
Im going to post about blogging after i get over - er get done - with the meeting stuff from tonight.
Bout time to go to the meeting. It would be cool to see a room full of people there just to hang out and watch.
Couple guys showed up last night just to watch.
I understand that a post with a name holds more weight. I think we are more cautious about what we say when we have a REAL name out there to be held accountable. However, we may hold a little truth back? Not sure, but think this is why people choose to post under anonymous. While it is easier to be rude as ANONYMOUS, it is also easier to be honest about our opinions when our opinions are not popular with others. Just a thought.
Anyway, my number is not listed. Sorry! I would call you, but did not find Anonymous in the book.
Sorry, I had to take a stab. You have to admit, that was a little funny. We can all use a good laugh now and then. SG is good for that, and I thank him. Again.
e-mail address is
Oh, and might I point out. Everyone who posts here, with or without a listed name, is a person. If they are a registered voter of AC, then their opinion does count. When they vote, is it not anonymous? Do they put their full names on the ballots?
Good points Keeli
The thing about freedom of speech is that responsibility comes with it
One might hold back a bit if their real name is on it, but at the same time, its a lot easier to just lash out and say things that are not even close to being true .. and there is no accountability.
Thats the thing about the internet and these blogs, chatrooms etc., it has changed the world and even how we talk.
People want to write anonymous letters in the paper too.
People might be more open with anonymity, but they are also more vicious.
I really think a person should have the backbone to put their name on their opinion... I think it is a matter of courage and honor.
So if that offends all the anonymous people ... maybe you need offending :)
i seem to be offending lots of people this week - not on here necessarily, but in real life.
Ah well, let em eat cake.
Well, I will agree with you here (mostly). Everyone, anonymous or not, should be responsible with their posts. They should not post anything which is untrue and should attack the issues, instead of the people. If someone has done something to offend you, speak out about their actions, but do not speak out about the person. There is a difference, and it can be done.
We all have issues which get our blood boiling and can sometimes push us over the edge. Mine are the results of self-proclaimed "gangsters" who run my neighborhood armed with spray paint while stealing or destroying property, the effects of illegal immigration on the economy and the lack of consequences for local criminals and public offenders.
Honestly, I do not hate the youngsters, illegal immigrants, lawyers or judges. I just do not like what they are doing or how they have effected my community.
If you truly want what's best for your community and/or family, it is best not to hold grudges or make personal attacks. They get us no where, even though they are sometimes easier actions than the finding of solutions.
Personally, I think these blogs are a great place for community brainstorming. Throw your ideas out there, no matter how ridiculous they may seem. You might just spark another idea from your fellow blogger which will grow into a usable solution. If you are not comfortable putting ideas out there with your name on it, by all means use the anonymous option. I see nothing wrong with that! I've done it myself.
I will add that sometimes if your opinion is not the popular one, or goes against someone that your job conducts business with, or if you yourself hold a prominent business position here in Ark City, and speaking against someone or someones ideas may cost you business, then posters might stay anonymous to avoid conflict in their daily lives. It doesn't mean their opinion is unworthy of respect. I usually go by how intelligently someone makes their point, not by the name they use. The only thing that makes me lose respect for a poster, and not give their post much weight, is when every other word is misspelled, or their grammar is like listening to Larry the Cable guy.
After all, James posts as BobDylan on the traveler blog.
Sometimes they call that a learning disability when someone misspells alot of words or has trouble with their grammer, but that doesn't make them any less intelligent. Good example: My husband is a manager, turned the whole store around, but has a problem with spelling. :) Though I do agree their is no need to talk like Larry the Cable Guy.
What annoys me most, is when people use big words like they are trying to make themselves look big. After the first few lines....well yyyaawwwnnnn........
Yeah, I get the feeling that sometimes people are typing posts witha thesaurus in front of them.
I guess I'm agreeing with you on a couple of points.
Sometimes they are just tooooo long, and sometimes they are just tooooo pretentious(?) and way tooo demeaning.
Well, alrighty then!
wasnt sure if you were referring to comments, or the posts i have made.
I haven't noticed too many big words, but posts and responses do get a bit long.
Nah, you all are alright. But there have been a few in the past that almost put me to sleep....
Actually, I don't know if I ever finished a few.
Study after study has shown that hardly anyone reads more than 300 words or so, and most people don't read more than 200.
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