Ive had several calls late yesterday and today about our front page the day after the election. There was no picture of Obama and some people are upset over that.
I didnt mean any disrespect to Mr. Obama.
I picked local photos, I was thinking local. That is what we are, a local paper.
I checked, 4 years ago and 8 years ago, we did not have a bush picture on the front.
That was my motivation though. Just the local thing.
And it costs more and there is more involved in getting a picture from the associated press, so its not something you automatically think of.
What do you all think?
I guess we should have had an obama picture on the front. I guess every other newspaper did.
Oh well.
Just wanted to rant about that for a few minutes.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Frankly, I could go without seeing him anymore until January.
I don't care to see him EVER! I'll probably stop watching tv in general to avoid seeing him any more than than I have to!
I thought it was tacky, The Winfield paper HAD a very heart warming picture of him voting and Obama and his daughter looking at each other laughing and smiling....
Then our paper had nothing, Which I noticed and thought it was awful. Then yesterday here comes the picture, Are you kidding me? A day late, Dollar short. You can think local all you want... But this was a historic election and ANY president should make the front page. There is room for local stuff as well as national....
OUR PAPER IS A FREAKING JOKE, Every paper ran a picture and the story... While the Eagle was OUT of papers that day, YOURS still stood in that lonely newspaper holder.
I really think they need to give you the boot. I couldn't believe all the spelling errors in the paper the other day when I was reading debate coverage, perhaps if you weren't spending so much time on your blog and more actually doing the job your paid for you would be catching more of those errors.
Wow, give the guy a break people. James was trying to do what he thought AC wanted.
@November 7, 2008 7:44 AM
Why don't you get in there and see how easy it is to put a paper together, especially when its election time and their is not much time to put together the newspaper. If reading some spelling errors in the newspaper was my biggest worry in life then I might be inclined to rethink my life a little.
wow 7:44.... too much coffee this morning
Just a quick comment. NY Times post election issues were bringing over $100.00 per copy on ebay.
I would say that a pic of the prez-elect the day after he is elected is a pretty big deal in my humble opinion.
I guess this being an historic election and all, I would have spent the extra few bucks to "buy" the pic off of the AP wire. Whatever happened to cut and paste? Or is any Obama pic licensed now?
To borrow the new catch word going around... we are an Obamanation now!!!
Whatever happened to cut and paste?
Published photos are copyrighted. Should not be used by other publications without permission.
Ill admit I shoulda ...
In some ways im more public than a politician. Every move is there for everyone to judge.
Wow...over a picture? God Bless Obama, but lets not kill the Traveler over this. This was such a huge election both on the local and national level, would have been tough to cram everything in.
You presumtuous #$%@- how could you not post it?? ha ha...just kidding...made me want to buy the paper more than normal. He is not a saviour or anything of the like and he doesn't derserve the front page either. He paid for enough coverage- I'm personally sick of looking at his face and knowing how much money he spent buying the presidency.
I thought it was tacky, The Winfield paper HAD a very heart warming picture of him voting and Obama and his daughter looking at each other laughing and smiling....
Ohhhh, isn't that freaking special-gimme a break already- this guy is a camera you know what!! Talk about something being repeatedly crammed down your throat- I have indigestion.
Its Abomination alright- read your bible!
"perhaps if you weren't spending so much time on your blog and more actually doing the job your paid for you would be catching more of those errors."
what a jerk! You curse the blog owner, yet here you are writing on it. Get a life! After the big apology he made in the blog to start with. WOW! some people...
Why don't you try & mix a bit of thankfulness with your whine.
I am fine without it. With the Traveler, I am interested in LOCAL NEWS.
I don't think anybody missed the fact that he won the election. I don't think anybody forgot what he looks like.
The national media had the national election pretty well covered. Local media should cover the local media.
I bet if Burr and Goodwin had won (and thus pictures), we wouldn't be having this conversation.
thank you for not having a picture , i know what he looks like already
I bet if Burr and Goodwin had won (and thus pictures), we wouldn't be having this conversation.
How mush would you bet?
I bet if Burr and Goodwin had won (and thus pictures), we wouldn't be having this conversation.
How much would you bet?
Its Abomination alright- read your bible!
WOW...so are you saying that our next prez is the Anti-Christ??? And where is that in "Your" bible??
Some of the hate spewing on here makes me ashamed that I live in and have lived in this town for over 35 years.
Yeah, Their just sore that McCain lost. Can you imagine how their kids act, If this is how the parents act when they lose!!
I would have been more surprised if there had been a pic of Obama on the front page. Look at the electorate map, ther is a very distinct strip of red. I think that speaks volumes. The electoral college was put in place (you right side constitutionalists should appreciate this more than anyone, given your love for the second amendment) in order to keep the rabble from electing the wrong guy. By the way, at what point did the Republicans claim God?? I have been a registered Dem for years, and I read my Bible every day.
By the way, at what point did the Republicans claim God?? I have been a registered Dem for years, and I read my Bible every day.
God was shanghaied back in the late 80s,
They do claim to be God's party.
the question is ... does God claim them?
Maybe ill write about that a little later, that aught to stir some people up.
Well.. That's what you like doing on here, Isn't it?
Local media should cover the local media.
REALLY? Did you feel that way when 9-11 happened?
Wow, give the guy a break people. James was trying to do what he thought AC wanted
IF that was correct do you think he would have people calling him upset over the issue?
What if a mother or father wanted to save the newspaper back for their child or grandchild? This was a historic election and that was my purpose of buying the newspaper and when I saw that our paper didn't have it, I had to buy another newspaper that did.
All of you people that "don't care about Obama or seeing his face"... It's really sad the way you act, I just wanted to point out that this wasn't just about you or your opinions about Obama.
By the way, at what point did the Republicans claim God?? I have been a registered Dem for years, and I read my Bible every day.
It's unfortunate that we are no longer "one nation under (one) God".
Maybe one day we can all be Americans and not so be so divided because of idealism, race, and religion. And only then will the healing begin.
If reading some spelling errors in the newspaper was my biggest worry in life then I might be inclined to rethink my life a little.
In my defense, There was MORE than "some" and that was with the debate coverage, He should've had ample time to do his job correctly then.. I'm about inclined to scan and highlight the mistakes.
I know "you love being right".. But let's not let emotion forget the fact that he is the hired editor and you can sit there and defend him until you're blue in the face but that is MY opinion and it's not the first time this issue ( spelling errors) we're brought up.
Trust me... spelling is becoming a lost art in this day of high technology.
I find it amazing the number of college grads...with master's degrees no less that can't spell.
I know who that person is, and i don't take her very seriously.
I did stay up half the night typing that in, and on 2 hours of sleep, came in and did the paper.
I think most people understand that.
I don't see how all that many spelling errors got past spellcheck though?
Hey anonymous Nov. 7 7:44 am- shut the hell up would you? You act like you are perfect- maybe you should have ran for president. If you don't like the Traveler don't buy it- it's pretty simple- your comments are lame- just because you didn't get to frame your precious little Obama Traveler headline the world is not going to end- who gives a crap that you bought a different paper?? Ohhh- James- you really screwed this one up- a whole 50 cents down the tube (I'm sure she reads it for free online anyway so don't be too sad- those who bitch loudest are usually the biggest freeloaders)....but this is coming from one of those Master Degree holders you are speaking of and guess what- I'm not even gonna run spell check!!
I didn't even notice Obama wasn't on the front page. Could someone tell me why he is MORE special and deserves the front page of a LOCAL newspaper? I had watched the television the night before and knew who won. I was more interested in the local races on Wednesday than on Obama. By the way I would have felt the same way regardless of which person had been elected that night.
Umm, aren't all newspapers with the exception of USA Today local papers???
@November 7, 2008 11:41 AM.....guess he knows now. I am sure the editor knows by now their is no pleasing everyone(especially you), so someone is going to po'd.
@November 7, 2008 11:54 AM
Amen to that!
@November 7, 2008 11:56 AM...fyi, I do not always agree with the editor over everything, i just don't like to sweat the small stuff like you.
Wow, we seem to have a seriously hostile person or persons in here.
Hey everyone....The weekend is here.. have a beer!!! :)
Or two...
i like that last one. think i will. bye!
How do you know who "she" is? Do you have everyone sized up or are you just familiar with everyone's writing styles?
Seriously, I don't know why some of you consider this such an historic election. I didn't vote for Obama and don't trust him, but now he IS our president and we have to at least respect the office and pray for him to be successful -- however, I fail to understand why all the hero worship. Either you agree with his politics, or not; basically, he's just another politican.
How do you know who "she" is? Do you have everyone sized up or are you just familiar with everyone's writing styles?
One thing, i recognized the poor writing style.
and i checked the IP.
"By the way, at what point did the Republicans claim God??"
You Republicans may have been claimng god all this time, but now we have a new god and his name is Obama! Praise him and he shall set you free.
there is no way to check the IP of posters on here. they are lying.
Yep, they sure can!
You cannot know who someone is by their IP address.
First, most ISP's assign dynamic IP addresses which means the IP number will change quite often. Poster A could have the IP xx.xx.xx.xx one day and poster B have it next week.
Secondly, JJ cannot literally know who you are by your IP. He would have to go to the ISP to get this information. ISP's are not in the business of just handing this information out to whoever wants it. It is an invasion of privacy and would lead to lawsuits.
Anyways, JJ can say he knows who you are but it's just an assumption at best.
Who cares we all know what he looks like a half black democrat
"there is no way to check the IP of posters on here. they are lying."
It is possible to check the triple dotted IP, as well as the FQDN of the last site you visited and the site you go to after you leave here.
You can tell the type of computer and the operating system, ie. Windows or Mac, as well as the version (Vista, OS X, NT) etc., and what type of browser was used to read this page.
Sometimes, if you are using a static IP, you can be traced to a specific account and FQDN, which is how Chuck (anyone remember Chuck and all the other sock-puppets she used?) was traced as a salesperson at KSOK.
The only reason everyone isn't outed on blogs is that nobody cares to take the time to do it. (or they are too dumb and don't know how)
I'll admit, I'm too dumb to do it. Wish I wasn't, many posters I'd like to identify.
You can tell where a poster posted from, what city.
you cant know for sure, but you can make an educated guess.
Also, some of the things she said, some of the phraseology, and word choice, was a give away.
Still, she isnt worth worrying about.
If you are using Apache as the web server (as about 90% of web sites do), the data is held in the environment tables. ie.: HTTP_USER_AGENT is what type of browser and HTTP_REFERER is the last web page they visited before yours.
HTTP_REFERER is a lot of fun. You would be amazed at what kind of sites they visit before yours ;) !
If people knew this stuff was so easy to see, they would probably change their surfing habits.
And sometimes the rural dial-ups will say something goofy like Chicago or Phoenix instead of Kansas.
there is no way to check the IP of posters on here. they are lying.
November 8, 2008 8:38 AM
Is that leagal for you to do with out a court order
Local media should cover the local media.
So for local news what was going on south of town by the river with all the law enforcement people (swat, KBI, State troopers, sherrifs and special agents)
huh JJ what was going on or is that to much for us local to know
It's the idle worship of Obama that really concerns me!! He's a politician not a rock star!!
I think his politics are scary, but would love to be proved wrong.
"Is that legal for you to do with out a court order?"
Go to:
You can see a very small part of what every web page can tell about you.
And, on a server, if you run a whois or nslookup command on a static IP address, it will tell you names and addresses, when the internet contract runs out, etc. Takes 2 seconds.
Ok, but how do you get an IP address from a post here?
You (readers) can't but the server folks (presumably the traveller) can.
County considers suing its cities over jail fees
Contact KSN
Last may, county commissioners adopted a resolution that established daily fees for city inmates, but not every city is paying up.
WICHITA, Kansas, November 10, 2008 -- The battle is brewing between Sedgwick County and some of its cities, including Wichita.
The issue: funding for the Sedgwick County Jail. Last may, county commissioners adopted a resolution that established daily fees for city inmates, but not every city is paying up. That has the county forcing to consider court action.
"We're not going to have a problem, if it is spread that way it ought to be,' said Park City Mayor Dee Stuart. 'We just don't think it is fair."
That's why Park City is refusing to pay a county bill charging the city for inmates they've jailed at the Sedgwick County Jail. The bill now is more than $55,000. And Park City isn't alone. Wichita is refusing to pay a tab of more than $3 million.
This year, the county started charging cities $50.24 per day per inmate. The county says the fee is necessary to pay for the increasingly busy facility.
"Where the jail grows, so does everything else,' said Sedgwick County Commissioner Gwen Welshimer.
Jail fees are not uncommon. In fact, Butler, Cowley, Sumner and Harvey counties all charge their cities to maintain their respective jails. But Sedgwick County has a different set-up because the legislature authorized a special one mill tax specifically designed to pay for the jail.
A point the city of Wichita makes in a statement, saying Wichita residents already pay the tax. Over and over again, Wichita taxpayers are burdened with paying for a jail that is the county government's responsibility.
In the end, Sedgwick County says it just wants this issue decided on once and for all.
If Commissioners approve the lawsuit on Wednesday, it could take a judge several months to decide the case. No matter what the decision, however, it will likely be appealed.
here we have someone looking at us JJ we should look outside for news every now and then
N.N.T. Respond
Yea ill look into it.
Often the prisoners are charged those fees and have to pay them. I dont know how that figures in.
Also, the Cowley County Commissioners are considering taking prisoners from Sedgewick and Butler counties to raise extra money.
Many county jails around the nation house federal prisoners and make money that way.
So...it ends up being about the money and not about rehabilitation for these prisoners.
It is a balance. If they have no place to put them it is less likely they will incarcerate the minor offenses.
There should not be too many jail cells. It makes the cops over-reach.
Checks and balances from an economic limitation perspective.
pc talk for it's all about the money.
Yea ill look into it.
Thanks JJ,
i wonder also if the jail was partly built of taxes from additional mil's and if so why are local inmates being charged for their stay. I would think that would unfair for or wrong for arkcity to add that cost to fines.
N.N.T. Repspond
ps. unless you want
ail was partly built of taxes from additional mil's and if so why are local inmates being charged for their stay.
I dont get what the connection is between taxes and charging inmates for their stay in jail.
Im not really even sure if it happens. I know it happens in other states.
"I don't get what the connection is between taxes and charging inmates for their stay in jail."
Charging inmates for their own incarceration is Machiavellian. Just like the Nazis making the Jews dig their own graves before murdering them.
It is cruel and unusual punishment. The U.S. has the world's highest percentage of its population in jail and it has recently become all about money instead of crime.
It is big business to put in private prisons and even Cowley County is bringing in prisoners from elsewhere for the money.
Now there is the move to charge inmates fees for jailing them. What is the difference between that and Yemen or Somalia where it is a matter of monetary extortion?
If it costs too much to jail people, then maybe they should consider other alternatives.
@7:44 AM
Thanks. Not too many agree. Probably because they just don't know. (Haven't had a brush with the law or family member there) It's downright crazy how much $$ can rack up in 1 bum charge. I know, I know, "well if they didn't break the law...". Put a sock in it.
Those who don't know should be made aware how much fines these people incur. Some in the 1,000's of $$. That will never be paid. Never. Then they say, "well you can't get car tags in this county". Nothing more than legalized extortion. From those who cannot pay. Some on the lower end of the mental totem pole, some underpriviliged, some who were never taught to respect the law, and some who just plain made a mistake or two. Try going to court and just watching who & what type of people come up on a weekly basis.
Kansas is almost at capacity in the prison system. Where do we stop? Build bigger prisons & jails?
The system is not designed to help the person. It's is designed to KEEP them in the system.
Guess I better quit, I'm ranting again. :-)
I guess my point in the article and ths question was if we are taking un PEOPLE from other counties who are not paying housing cost or bills to other facilities and they use cowley's jail and wont pay that bill why are we so hard on are own residents.
And for just a little more insult or information for the offenders some places deduct any where from $5 to $20 a day from fines while being lock up, why
"Kansas is almost at capacity in the prison system. Where do we stop? Build bigger prisons & jails?"
Most in jail are there for non-violent crimes.
England had the same problem with putting people in jail for minor offenses. They shipped them to prison colonies. When the first prison colony revolted and was un available the set up another one.
The first colony? New England.
The second colony? Australia. (New South Wales. Penal colony started in 1788 after the American revolt or revolution, depending on which side you are on.)
Why not imprison the non-violent offenders with a tracking collar and make them live and rehabilitate in the western Kansas rural towns? It solves the shrinking population problem and would bring money into the towns.
@8:21 AM
Form a penal colony...
I personally don't think it would work. Hey, I'm open to brainstoming, though. Whatever we do, we CANNOT keep doing it the way we are. It' insane. It turns possibly good people into hardened criminals.
The powers that be will fight any attempt at change hard. Let's face it, it's their paycheck. States will fight it. Municipalities will fight it.
Again, the system is broke.
Over half the prison population is there for drug violations.
My solution is to make most drugs legal.
No one likes that idea though.
Or DUIs. And can we ever move forward after 1 mistake. (no, I think not, -not in this city)
Rehabilitation, sure is a nice thought.
Helping those who sometimes cannot help themselves is a nice thought.
But, heaven help them, if they end up in 'the system' - it's all about the cash.
Huh? Which drugs do you suggest to make legal? I can only think of one that should be, but not the rest.
Don't just make them legal, make them free. The problem will cure itself fast enough.
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