Merry Christmas everybody.
Also, happy solstice, happy hannakuh, happy kwanzai.
and good buddha to you all.
I had the politically correct debate again yesterday. Sheesh. the thought police are everywhere.
Just because I want to celebrate Christmas, and because it has meaning, that does not make me intolerant.
If we say Christmas we are being intolerant of others, yet it is not intolerant to say the other holidays. Hmmmmm.
I think the real deal is that people are offended by the word "Christ."
But Christmas is about love and giving.
I see no reason to not have all the holidays.Mention them all. Celebrate them all.
I appreciate all the other holidays as well.
I dont really object to the word "holidays", but you need to realize that even that word comes from "HOLY" days and has a definite religious connotation.
Some say its more inclusive, I say it just homogenizes everything and takes away the character of all of the holidays, and all the different religions.
Christmas has been a religious celebration for a long time. It has become secularized. But, to say we should not even use the word in public is intolerant.
There is such a thing as tyranny of the minority.
Id rather celebrate all holidays. Give everyone their moment. I don't celebrate solstice, but why should it offend me if my pagan friends want to celebrate it? And if they want to say the word solstice?
Wouldnt it be more tolerant to try to learn why the celebrate it?
And to just enjoy the fact that they are enjoying it?
Why should I object if pagans wanted to put up some sign or something?
Why should I be offended?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
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Merry Christmas JJ.
And I also wish you a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
The thing everyone forgets is that Christianity is about loving your fellow man (and no, I don't mean it that way!), forgiveness and most importantly, tolerance.
Over the past few decades, talk show hosts and tinhorn politicians have tried to stir up religious christians into believing that it is all about bigotry, hatred and narrowmindedness, because it rallied supporters for their causes.
Nothing could be farther from the basic values and Truth of Christianity.
Forget about Santa Claus for a minute and remember why we give gifts at Christmas.
If you have a pagan friend (I don't know of any, but if they're running around AC), give them a thoughtful gift anyway. Maybe a nice candle or something thoughtful. Buy it downtown and support the community.
Show them the true spirit of Christianity.
As Kierkegaard (christian existential philosopher) said, the purpose of prayer is not to influence God, but to influence and create introspection for the person who prays.
The same is true of gifts at Christmas. It is not about the person receiving the gift, it is the feeling the person gets when they give it and the compassion of the process. That is what gifts at Christmas are about. It's nice.
Jewish families and SDAs like candles, toffee and cookbooks too.
Merry Christmas everyone, and I wish for everyone Peace and Compassion in the New Year.
I'll say Merry Christmas too. I am tolerate of other's holidays as well, such as Hannakah, Ramadon, Kwanza. I'll even be ok w/ the Atheists, and the Wicens if they make a holiday around Dec 25th. But it is not ok to trash another religion's holiday.
If Christ hadn't been born 2000 years ago, the majority of us would probably be celebrating Hannakah or Ramadon. But for some silly reason, the majority of the world celebrates "Christmas" on Dec 25 (and most people int he US get a day off). Why do people have to trash it, or make a big deal about it? I have some non-believing friends in Texas; I'd almost consider them atheists, and they have no problem w/ saying Merry Christmas.
"The same is true of gifts at Christmas. It is not about the person receiving the gift, it is the feeling the person gets when they give it and the compassion of the process. That is what gifts at Christmas are about. It's nice. "
Exactly! I would rather give than receive. It makes me feel a whole lot better. Even if they don't celebrate any holidays, let them know a gift or kind act is for just because I am thinking of you.
James, I had no idea that solstice had a religious significance. Hey, who says you can't learn anything useful off this blog site peeps!
As I recall what I know of history there have always been other gods that have been worshiped. The people of those eras and today debated and often were subjected to the same situations. Albeit not always under the same tolerant conditions.
The fact remains that after all that time - The only thing thats changed is Mans TOOLS and TOYS -
"The HEART of Mankind Remains the Same."
While we wait on HIM, he is waiting/depending on Us!
Merry Christmas!
testing 123
No Fat Chicks
My sign off on my latest newsletter at work:
Happy Holidays to some and Merry Christmas to all!!
Oh yes I did just say that! Now remember to be tolerant to all the female tramps this year!
Anonymous said...
Oh yes I did just say that! Now remember to be tolerant to all the female tramps this year!
An excellent point...this holiday season lay off the pimp hand. We know it is strong but can't your ladies have time to heal?
Oh very funny, you are a smartypants. Next thing ya know you will bring up that Mell Kuhn fiasco' again. Black face and all!
Leave the HO HO HO's alone. AC is full of white trash hookers, some even bait their own hooks!
Happy Festivus!
Wow! Someone in this blog knows who Kierkegaard was!?! And a couple posts later we are talking about Prostitutes. Only in Ark City!
some of the stories about hookers in the traveler from the late 1800s and very early 1900s are very entertaining.
ill never forget the woman who paid her bail and monthly fee in advance !
oh my.
and there were debates then about whether it was a good or bad idea to shut them down, because they were good for the economy.
ive not seen any that i know of now a days.
Anonymous said...
...some even bait their own hooks!
Some might say they they are master baiters!!!
I wish there were ladies of the night,, its a heck of a lot cheaper than marriage, and you are not required to listen to the bitching
I understand why that's anonymous.
Im sure they are around, just not out on the street here.
Some of you are weirdos.
Some of you are weirdos.
And your point is ??
No point, just saying some are weirdos!
Sorry, I meant that as a joke.
I mean
at least we are normal weirdos :)
I know.
1. "The thing everyone forgets is that Christianity is about loving your fellow man..., forgiveness and most importantly, tolerance."
"And a couple posts later we are talking about Prostitutes."
Just to put item 1 back in focus, let's play the Special Christmas Edition of Jeopardy:
(screen: wavy Wayne's World type of intro finally focussing on a cutover to Alex Trebec and a game show contestant.)
Contestant: "Sure, Alex, I'll take 'Characters in The Biblical Traditions' for $500."
Alex: "She was the first witness to the resurrection and although no direct reference is in the Bible, tradition says she was a reformed prostitute. She has been sainted and was the closest female disciple to Christ"
Tic toc, tic toc... dum-te-dum- dum,dum-te-dum, dum-te-dum-te-dum- te.... etc.
You answer. Starts with "M"
Should we really be dissing prostitutes at Christmas?
Jesus hung out with all the bad people.
He even ate with them.
Healed them and showed the God's love.
and you see what happened to him.
Nothing much has changed.
"Nothing much has changed."
There is one theory that the Bible taught people to read brought the distribution of written communications to modern man. A book titled, the "Gifts of the Jews". It is certainly true in hillbilly areas of Appalachia where the term critter came from. They couldn't read well and misinterpreted "creature" in the Bible. If you look at the history of Europe, the Bible spawned almost all of today's philosophical knowledge and dogma.
Other than the fact we are blogging this subject on Christmas day.....
I don't get your point.
Christ had no influence? Huh?!?
Merry Christmas anyway. ;)
I don't get your point.
Christ had no influence? Huh?!?
The point was, Jesus did all these great things, and the establishment crucified him anyway.
I agree with you, he has been the most influential person in history.
Good post!
But I wonder at Christmas time if the feeling isn't that the Baby Jesus came to unite the World. When in reality He came to further
and forever divide it!
Even in His teachings he suggested
that he would separate families!
How then do you account for tolerance?
What would you say to:
The Christians in early Roman and those in modern times who have lost their lives defending their
No, I am not suggesting an "eye for an eye". But in these modern times the persecution is not about whips and crosses but about restricting the defense of the Christian values and beliefs!
I have to wonder how many of Us if faced with death would defend our belief. Or would the cock crow
three times!
Jesus came to those on the margins, not the rich, powerfull and influential of Rome. Jesus came to Mary, a poor, unwed peasant girl. He came to the afflicted,the brokenhearted, captives and prisoners. Jesus came to the blind and the lame, tax collectors and prostitutes. Jesus came to people like you and me. The amazing thing is, he humbled himself, and became one of us. Even his lineage was questionable. Rahab and Tamar were prostitutes, Bathsheba was and adulterer, Mary an unwed mother... Not exactly the image most of us have as a king...
Jesus did come in an unexpected way.
The religious rulers didn't recognize him.
Its always made me wonder ... when he returns, if we will recognize him.
In the biblical tradition, it was only Paul (Saul) (and much later) that ministered to us gentiles.
Jesus was intending to change the Jews, which is the main reasons the Sanhedrin requested him to be crucied. The secular Romans (Pilate) disagreed and found no fault, but the Jewish religious leaders pressed for crucifixion.
We always blame the Romans. Go figure.
If a messianic religious leader came to us today in the same manner that Jesus is characterized in the traditions as coming to the Jews, it would be someone who would be telling us to ignore and turn our backs on the the teachings of the Bible and worship in a completely different way.
Maybe we burn bulls and goats in fire pits in church for sacrifice again.
How would those in the Christian faith accept something like that?
I can spell, I just can't type. Sorry.
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