City Commission meeting is tonight, worksession at 5:30. Regular meeting tomorrow.
Not a lot on the agenda.
But I understand some people are upset about the water fees for turning on or off water to a residence. They may show up.
Here is the agenda.
Consider voiding unclaimed warrant checks from 2006.
These are checks the city has written and that have never been cashed. They are all under $50 and there are about 10 of them.
Consider ordinance vacating portion of E. Harrison and portion of alley, 100 block S.
Summit, for KanPak expansion.
Consider ordinance modifying language in the City’s nuisance code to remove antiquated
Consider authorizing use of the Equipment Reserve Fund by the Fire Department for
purchase of two vehicles authorized in 2009 budget.
Consider Mayor’s appointments to City Boards.
Also, someone was asking about how to get on the agenda for a meeting. There is a time set aside for comments from the public. You get three minutes.
But if you have a large matter, you can get on the agenda. Just call the city manager.
Most likely you will get invited to the work session, where you can talk to the commission.
The work session is definitely the more interesting meeting.
That is where all kinds of things are talked about.

Monday, January 19, 2009
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@ Traveler Editor
We are having an inauguration party at the AC Pizza Hut (party room was reserved) tomorrow night starting at 6:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Does "tomorrow" mean Tuesday?
Yes, I meant Tuesday.
Guess I will not be going to Pizza Hut tomorrow...What a waste of time.
Would you have had a party if McCain/Palin won? Would anybody have had a party? I doubt it.
I told my wife we are going on a 72 hour news blackout last night, because I was getting sick of watching Obama this, and Obama that, and that $150 Million taxpayer dollars was going to this orgy of parties we, the taxpayers, were going to foot. I am sick of seeing the $700B TARP, and now the $825B bailout/stimulas. Instead of having a frickin (or Frackin, if you are a BSG Fan) 72 hour party, why doesn't our government stop goofing off, and get to work for us. Pres. Elect Obama takes office sometime tomorrow. Why not, instead of a party, after he takes the oath, he just just turns the microphone, say a little 5 minutes, and then tells Congress to get their butt in their building (RIGHT NOW!), and actually work "Together", and actually find a way to help the country, instead of of printing another BILLION of funny money, and spending it on something worthless (I heard earmarks are coming back)
, he just just turns the microphone, say a little 5 minutes, and then tells Congress to get their butt in their building (RIGHT NOW!), and actually work "Together", and actually find a way to help the country
Oh i think there would be a mccain palin party
but i agree with your point.
party or not... he needs to do that.
This is a very interesting article on the cost of the Obama inauguration versus previous ones.
A hilight for those too lazy or busy to read the entire article:
Obama's inauguration is costing us 150 million dollars, as compared to George W. Bush's 2005 inauguration costing $42.3 million. And Bill Clinton's was $33 million in 1993.
And we eren't even in a recession then like we are now. This Obama character has quit a big head me thinks. Thinks quite highly of himself I guess to spend our money in such a way when there are much better places to spend it.
@ ANONYMOUS January 19, 2009 12:05 PM,
Good post. I couldn't agree more. As you can see, we are on the same page. BSG fan and all. (It would be "Ruttin" if you're a Browncoat).
I will be attending the party at Pizza Hut! See you there!
I think this will be a very awesome night.. Full of friends celebrating a fulfilled journey that we all took together this year. It was all worth it and now we get to sit back and enjoy this great day in history. I'm proud of him and us, For getting him there!
Every President gets $49 mil. for the inauguration- There after they are on their own... The rest is donations!!
So... With that being said, You GO OBAMA! Way to raise that money!
Did you know, That he has the HIGHEST approval rating going than any other President, While Bush has the lowest EVER for a President going out since Nixon.
True, we tax payers are not footing the bill.
its the committee that is doing it
also, theres lots of extra security, which accounts for at least some of the extra cost.
if he can pull us together, and get the bipartisan politics to slow down, he will be good
True, we tax payers are not footing the bill.
its the committee that is doing it
also, theres lots of extra security, which accounts for at least some of the extra cost.
if he can pull us together, and get the bipartisan politics to slow down, he will be good
We are having an inauguration party at the AC Pizza Hut (party room was reserved)
I take it that KFC was already booked?
@ 12:05
Every president has an inauguration budget and anything that exceeds this budget is privately funded. I have seen the 150 million number thrown around but what sources are cited? You might take that into consideration.
Anyways, like I said before the invitation is open to anyone in the public who would like to come. It might be a good chance to meet new people, get out of the house for an hour or two, or just to eat some pizza!
@ 12:41
What exactly is it that you are trying to insinuate? Please do tell.
It is good to know racism is alive an well here in Cowley County Kansas
I thought about deleting it.
But decided to let you all see it and react accordingly.
THeres about as much of it here as there was in south carolina.
But did you chuckle just a little?
Wow, What a sad day to come on here and see people being foul and racist. If you have nothing nice to say, Then say nothing at all. I think it's nice that we're having a party to celeberate this moment in history. This is something that I want to be a part of, Something that I want my daughter to be a part of. Shame on you! You guys moan about economy and we decided to do something small and affordable... Atleast we will be doing something, I would rather do something then sit around and pout all night.... Have fun sulking, Should be a blast for you!
Oh and JJ, I didn't chuckle, Not one time. My mouth dropped open and my eyes got big. But no, no chuckles. I didn't think it was funny, Even if you thought it was moronic, I still wouldn't chuckle at a racist comment coming on MLK day or at all.... Someone took being a jerk waaay to far.
No, I didn't chuckle at all.
I did not vote for Pres. Elect Obama, but I do think it's time for all the snide remarks to stop.
As for the party, I hope you all enjoy yourselves. I won't be partying...I wouldn't have partied if the other party had won either.
Perhaps we all could just gather our thoughts.
MLK celebration on yesterday was very nice. Perhaps, some of you nay sayers should have been out supporting our community. I always think it is nice to see children of all races coming together for something other than baseball, basketball, and football. (and all the other sports that keep us all yelling and screaming for our teams)
Everybody, please, take a chill pill - and then prepare to move forward. It's gonna take all of us working together to get anything accomplished.
Somewhat of a double standard...
For 8 years the media made fun of Bush by calling him "Curious George", and comparing the faces he made to those of a chimp.
What would happen if the same media made the exact same comparision with Obama...????
There would be several million cry RACISM!!. What was considered "biting satire" for 8 years, would now be the "ultimate insult"....
Can't have your cake and eat it too....
And yeah JJ I chuckled a little also :)
He is getting a free pass in the media now,
but knowing how media types are ... that wont last.
So my question to you all:
When is someone gonna grow up and step forward. I mean stop being so silly about everything.
No wonder the children have no respect for authority. (it's coming from the adult authority that is put before them as examples)
Just stop the name calling, the comparisons. It's all sheer foolishness. No man, no President, alone can change the situation that our Country finds itself in. People are responsible for more than they think they are.
Stop spending money that you don't have. Stop your 'armchair' quarterbacking. I'm so glad that none of you ran for President. (or for that matter, I hope, none of your relatives)
@2:02 PM Great point!
but to:
What was so funny? I guessed I missed it.
"Did you know, That he has the HIGHEST approval rating going than any other President..."
now that's funny...
at least I hope it was meant to be
If Dave Chappelle had said any of the jokes on here would it have been funny?
The KFC comment wasn't funny, nor witty, nor intelligent and most certainly not productive.
How many racist terms are going to be used in the DL Hughley comedy special on Comedy Central tonight? You think people will laugh or be offended?
@ rabbit
Do you think the PE should go around making honky jokes? Or would that perhaps offend you?
In answer to questions regarding comedians....NO...
I guess I just don't have the greatest sense of humor, especially when it comes to people of authority. Well, not just then, but also when it comes to racism.
I don't care what race you are, the bottom line to me is presenting yourself as a person of character. ( a person of integrity, and honor)
I knew the city commission agenda was not all that interesting ... but i thought it would get at least one comment.
If you haven't noticed every black comedian out makes honky jokes and no it doesn't offend me. Why is that? Because white people don't empower the racial terms used against them. Cracker, Mick, honky big deal if that is the best they have then they need new material. Sure the KFC joke was in poor taste but so is Blazing Saddles and that is played on AMC like once a week, so is every comedian on comedy central, so is most of rap music. Whoever posted the KFC joke (1) may have been black we don't know due to anonymous (2) did nothing different than the same jokes my son watches Steve Urkle do on Nick at Night, and (3) obviously got the result they were looking for due to the fact that you all just empowered it by accnowledging it in the first place. I think it's already been said but there seems to be a double standard here. Once again my opinion.
Tomorrow Barack alias (Alfred E Newman) Obama will become our new president. We as a nation nedd to come together and support him unlike what they have done to Bush. We all need to pray for our nation.
His days of being the Messiah will be coming to an end soon enough. The fisrt time he does something somebody doesn't like.
@ TE
I am sorry. I started all this by posting the party information. I just thought some would be interested in attending.
I honestly didn't mean to hijack your commission post.
you all just empowered it by accnowledging it in the first place.
Good point
Dead Rabbit, you're losing me.
For one who is so sensitive when it comes to 'the skateboarders' to 'folk with piercings everywhere'...
where is your sensitivity to people who have a different color of skin.
I'm not sure about you.
Teach folks respect. I'm black, and I do not care for the black comedians take on humor, not the gangsta rappers, nor the sagging panted hip-hoppers.
Teach folk respect. It's a learned art and a lot of people missed class that day.
No hard feelings. Just not sure you'll get the laughs that you desire out of life.
Empowerment, is more than simply acknowledging what was said or written.
Teach that to young people who have been beaten down by others.
Teach that to others taht have given their lives in order to remove the hint of racism.
That's why it's no longer a hint of seems to be a novel.
jj, your original post did include something of importance.
I hope the people of this city stand up and scream loud about this water issue.
If a person is late and having trouble coming up with 56$, then how in the heck do you think they will fare, when they have to come up with 156$ to have water.
My point is don't laugh at these jokes in your own homes then act PC on the street. I wrote an article where I said I wish racial terms lost their power and this is the truth. Chappelle had the highest ratings on television when he was on. Now you can't tell me that there weren't some of these "enlightened" people tuning in and laughing. I just hate the fact that it seems ok for some to say what they want and for others it is racism. I have been on several posts and wrote to tune out the inauguration tomorrow not because of the color of the man's skin but because he is frivilously wasting money without a care about the American people as he has done it. On nearly every one of those sites I have been called a racist or a biggot. Is this the new America where if I question the man I'm racist? Like I said the joke was bad and tasteless I'm just saying you all are making it worse by trying to argue it. I try and not be racist, I don't feel I was brought up to hate any man or woman. To those of you that don't laugh at the comedians or listen to gangster rap, Thank You! Honestly you are taking the steps to actually change this world.
I'm sorry I wasn't saying the joke was ok I was saying that in order to complain then try and make a difference. Bill Cosby tried and look where it got him. I'm a believer of equality for all. I think if you read what I write then you would know that. Try not to take one comment out of context.
Unless your Irish, I hate the Irish!- Joking
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with what Zach is saying.
But, don't get used to it.
HEADS UP! The high school will be MAKING students watch the inauguration on Tuesday, January 20th. They have never done this before. This smacks of indocrination pure and simple.
"January 19, 2009 3:54 PM"
What for? Pres. Elect Obama hasn't really done anything except win an election against a bitter woman (Clinton), and an old man (McCain). I voted for him because there wasn't really an alternate choice. If he brings about the sweeping changes he plans to do in the next 4-8 years, then I will make my kids watch it on the History channel after he leaves office. But the man hasn't done anything yet, other than using the word "change" about a bazillion times since March. I also like the Traveler's Editorial Cartoon today. Think I will go stare at a map of the US for awhile; see if it "Changes" between now and noon tomorrow.
MAKING students watch the inauguration on Tuesday,
sitting in a boring english lit class vs. watching tv .... hmmm what would i choose.
Comment on this post -
HEADS UP! The high school will be MAKING students watch the inauguration on Tuesday, January 20th. They have never done this before. This smacks of indocrination pure and simple.
I remember being forced to watch it in 1989, 1993, and 1997. Its called history class. They've had it for quite a while.
Also, ACHS used to have what they call Multicultural Day or something like that, to promote knowledge about other races and cultures. Do they still have this? They need to!!!
Probably they are too busy preparing for the state tests so they can be excellent.
give it up the KFC comment was very funny MLK day has nothing to do with it
stop taking yourself so seriously them are just jokes nothing more nothing less, if you do not find it funny dont laugh , but its there right to say it , just as its your right to say that offends you
Come on holier than thou's, can you honestly say you have never laughed at fat jokes, skinny jokes, etheopian jokes, pollock jokes, etc etc? Have you ever found the differences and stereotypes funny? Never laughed at George Jefferson racially berating his white neighbors, or the interatial (Zebra) couple next door (his words, not mine)? It was funny. It's okay. It won't set black people back a hundred years or anything. Dave Chappelle is the funniest guy on the planet, and it's mostly racial humor that got him to the top of the biz.
@ 3:54
I watched the OJ verdict (the first one) in school. Explain that one to me Einstein. All hail Marsha Clark!
@ 3:00
Please name one instance in history when silence was progression? That mentality makes me think of a line in a NOFX song:
Then they shooed away the bums,
then they beat and bashed the queers,
turned away asylum-seekers,
fed us suspicions and fears.
We didn´t raise our voice,
we didn´t make a fuss.
It´s funny there was no one left to notice
when they came for us.
which was adapted from a poem "First They Came".
Just because it's normal, doesn't make it right.
I say get over it, some people hate squirls stealing their nuts
Others drink coffey and enjoy watching them out the window scurry across the yard
No matter if your black white green or yellow someone isnt going to like you
Being a certain color should not be acknowledged if you do then you have set conditions
Once conditions are set you have reaction, reaction cannot and will never be the same accross the field.
if a crtain race enjoys a type of food to a large degree it is reflected in thier culture
Germans=strudal & beer
Italians=Pizza & Pasta
Greek= Gyros& lamb
and right on down the line to fried chicken, oat meal, catfish and bananas
every culture has its likes and dislikes, makeing jokes about the culture is not offensive, makeing fun of your physical appearance may be offensive
get over it
get over it
racial equality is a givin, your equality based on qualification is earned learn the differance
racial equality is a givin
Wow this is one of those debates I'm glad everyone is anonymous for. How about a big agree to disagree? I just hope that the same people that want no jokes about their race (include white people) also hold up their end and don't laugh at blond jokes, handicapt jokes, or really any joke other than Why did the chicken cross the road? Like I said I don't feel people should be laughing at this stuff in their own homes then try to be PC in public. It is a double standard. Dave Chappelle is a funny man but by the same token he quit because a white man was laughing at his jokes and it angered him. True story. It's a touchy subject with no real right or wrong other than this. If you tell a joke out of hate then it is wrong! Plain and simple. 99% of my jokes are about myself so I don't feel bad about anything I say. My other joke you ask?
Two cupcakes are cooking in an oven, one turns to the other and says "Man it's getting hot in here." The other says "Holy crap a talking cupcake."
Carlos Mencia says it right, the best policy on a joke is not to say it if you wouldn't say it in front of the person or persons it is about.
I also like the quote from Dave Chappelle, "If you don't like chicken and watermellon there aint something wrong with me there's something wrong with you!"
I don't like Handicap jokes, I just don't find them funny.
Dave Chappelle didn't quit because of that, he quit because he couldn't handle the pressure of all the money he was getting and all the responsibility of being the one who everyone relied on. He did mention that it bothered him when a white person came up using the N word, but that's not why he quit.
Carlos Mencia (Ned) is a joke thief who steals from other comedians and then gets famous telling their jokes. Scumbag. Look on you tube for proof. He was funny when he first came out like 15 years ago during the LA riots, but that's when everyone thought he was a mexican. hint: He's not.
Doesn't make Carlos's point any less valid and I saw both an interview on Inside the actors studio and on Chappelle season three that supports what I said. The exact skit was the one where he was trying to decide between fried chicken or fried catfish on the airplane. He said that while he was dancing in black face one of the white camera men found it far too funny and that was when he walked out. Charlie Murphy even did an entire show dedicated to it. Little known fact I actually research things before I write them.
Liitle known fact: Bears like beets.
@ 9:53
Somebody watches The Office...
Bears like beets AND Battlestar Galactica.
thats what she said.
the city is going to crack down on citizens with the water rates once again. mr hockenberry please explain to us why kan pak is not cracked down on? why doesnt kan pak have to pay all those huge fines for illegal dumping into the city sewer system over and over and over again?
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