Now that the forum for city commission candidates has passed, who do you like?
There is a poll at right.
Does the forum make a difference in who you vote for?
The school board forum was not as well attended last night, and a couple candidates did not appear.
With a week or so to go, which candidates do you think have done the best job of winning votes?

Friday, March 27, 2009
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Well this may be to critical - but, what I didn't hear at least on the online blog. Was that the sole purpose of USD 470 is to graduate students. I think Mayor Kuhn's question about balancing support and staff was aimed toward that purpose.
Maybe their mission statement should be to provide a safe environment while nuturing the uncompromised learning and growth both physical and mental that is required to give them the knowledge and life skills necessary and to graduate.
Unfortunately their actual mission statement is more like teach only what will be on the state assessment tests in order to recieve more funding. I often here the kids complain that whole sections of the text books are skipped because that part won't be on the state test.
I agree with Zach. There is too much emphasis on the state assessments. My children complain because that is all they concentrate on. When I was in school, it was a well rounded course of study, but now it seems that they only concentrate on the upcoming assessment, whatever that may be, and the rest falls through the cracks.
Some good posts on here this morning. Very good to see.
Also, I would really like to know the reasons as to why some of the candidates did not attend the forums. At this point, I do not feel I should give my support to those who did not show up, but would be interested to hear of the reasons why they did not show.
At this point I plan to support the 3 school board candidates that appeared at the forum.
I have mixed feelings about most of the city commission candidates. I can't find much to worry about with Warren, I think he would be good. I like what McDonald and Snell say about growing the community. But I am concerned by McDonald's recent health issues. And I know quite a few teachers who do not like Snell, but don't seem to be able to explain why they do not like him. I did not know anything about Fry up until a couple weeks ago, but he has the support of 4 or 5 people that I really trust. Matthews was a decent commissioner once I bet he would be again. Margolius took part in the regection of the Lowes development, and he has to live with the consequences.
I am a bit worried by the fact that most of the candidates are over 55 (one plus for Margolius I guess), some more than others, and with increased age comes increased health issues. And I do not want Dottie or Mel appointing someone to fill a vacated spot.
I would like to see the Traveler or someone do more in depth articles about the candidates. I do appreciate the one round of articles, but I would like more information at this point. I may be in the minority on that I bet.
School board candidates who did not show.
Woodard have a previous commitment that involved his job. he was in topeka and could not attend.
Barret is taking classes at seminary and could not attend.
on the city side.
Penny Waresak didnt come, i do not know why.
What other types of information do you want about the candidates?
there is still some time.
but id like to know what it is you (plural - all yall - )want to know.
@10:33 AM
"And I know quite a few teachers who do not like Snell, but don't seem to be able to explain why they do not like him."
that one's easy. He was the boss.:)
Traveler Editor said...
on the city side.
Penny Waresak didnt come, i do not know why.
This candidate opted to support Margolius rather than continue her candidacy. Probably should have communicated it. her name will still be on the ballot but she is not campaigning any longer.
I do not agree that the mission of the school is to follow the state assessments. I beleive the mission of the school is disrupted by state assessments.
We do need to get more young candidates and participation in general within the community.
Lost in all the ruckus about city commission is that we need to get good stewards to oversee the huge bond program to upgrade the physical plant facilities for USD470.
This is a huge project and will have arguably more impact on the community than the hospital.
Folks, please consider that this election nerits more deliberation as this group will set the pace for those two major initiatives to which we have committed.
Someone has to get a hospital built. Someone has to complete major renovations within our school district.
We cannot put $50mm out haphazardly and this City cannot afford a do over on either of these.
There are certainly some comfort issues floating around the community but please do not vote for your favorite personality. Vote for the team that will set the pace for completion of these projects. Vote for the folks who will energize their staff and cooperate with them as things progress.
Some questions I would like asked/issues I would like to know more about -
On Mr Fry and Mr McDonald -they have had health issues in the past, how is their health now and can they assure us it will not be an issue again. This may also apply to Warren, Snell, and Matthews, but maybe not.
I would like to know what Margolius would have done different on the Lowes issue if anything.
I would like to know what Snell feels he could have improved on during his time managing the school district.
I would like to know how each candidate would deal with issues of conflict of interest such as the Kuhn conflict with the sewage plant work.
I would like to know about each candidates feelings on how different city departments are precieved by the public and how they feel they could possibly offer suggestions for changes and/or investigations in to different ways of doing things (police department, water billing department, etc.)
I would like to know how each candidate feels about using some tax money in cooperation with Winfield, the County, the Colleges, Strother Field, the school districts, etc to help encourage growth in our community. All will probably say they are for growth, but are they willing to work together with a vision to help all of Cowley County.
I am sure there are others.
I believe Margolius was right to be leary of TIF's for retail. If they fail, they pull out of town and leave the bill to the taxpayers. Would it be worth the risk?
He said he would be willing to take that chance for industry, just not retail. I believe he keeps a keen eye on the bottom line and does not want AC taxpayers to get shafted.
At least, that's what I gathered from the meeting.
What part of AC is without power? Kake news just said 1000 people in AC were down.
Hi all,
Sorry I don't get around as often as I used to.
I can answer the question about my health. My Doctor (Dr. Watters) says I'm in the best health in years. My only physical problem is that I now know I am a diabetic and it is controlled with a minimum dosage in pills. I have improved my diet and my not even need that any longer. For the first couple of months I felt quite out of sorts, even confused sometimes, but now that things are under control I feel great. I'm in great shape. Everything works and properly. I do appreciate the concern and am sorry I worried people. Thanks to all those who wished me well and thought of me in that time.
While I'm here, I dug up a memorandum from Gilmore and Bell (the city bond attorneys) on TIF. The TIF is only a funnel for directing specified tax monies from a very small identified zone. The concern is that it also allows for borrowing against future collected monies. Borrowing money (via bonds) is a concern because it must be paid back, but what Gilmore and Bell had set for the city protected us completely. Here is a quote on SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS:
"A city may issue special obligation bonds in one or more series to finance those permissible expenses of a Project. Such bonds are payable, both as to principal and interest: (1) from tax increments allocated to, and paid into a special fund of the city; (2) from revenues of the city derived from or held in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of any Project; (3) from any private sources, contributions or other financial assistance from the state or federal government; (4) from increased franchise fees generated within the District and/or revenues received from the city from sales taxes, (5) from city transient guest and local sales and use tax generated from the Project, with the county's consent, or (6) by any combination of these methods
Special obligation bonds are not general obligations of the city, nor in any event shall they give rise to a charge against its general credit or taxing powers or be payable out of any funds or properties other than as described above. These bonds shall be exempt from all state taxes except inheitance taxes and do not count toward the city's bonded debt limitations"
I will provide a copy of this memorandum to the newspaper at first convenience (probably Monday).
Patrick McDonald
Fry was recruited by Kuhn to run and wants to move the hospital somewhere else. I would be surprised to have any hospital done in 5 years if he gets elected. He says he worked in city government for 30+ years. He worked for the city, not the governing body of a city, for 30yrs. Has anyone asked about Matthews employment at USB and why he left/removed? The others also have issues, however, these two seem to be wanting to slow any momentum/progression this city may have. It will be more of the same with them which is NOT what the city needs.
I was first to report this whole "hospital movement" concept. Kuhn (allegedly) started it with secret texts to select people.
Be sure to get every candidate on record as to whether they intend to try and move the hospital and why or why not.
First of all I highly doubt that there will be any move to alter the location of the hospital from the Patterson property. Sounds like election-time scare tactics.
Then my next question is who fed that information to Pat and why is it coming out now.
Hold you nose and hold on to your seats folks. We are in the final days of a race where you are likely to see some desperate moves by very interested parties.
If you see a claim about any certain candidate and you have any doubt about what is being said make sure you ask them yourself.
Don't let the AC Mafia tell you what to do or how to think.
Kind of reminds you of the "They are profitable and have never taken a distribution".
ACI will give the property to the city if they will annex it for the Big Box Project.
ACI would have given the property to the City to build a new Hospital.
Why? Because they want to make money building around the projects and on their property if possible!
Do you really think there is anything that is really FREE!
BTW, I don't agree with the Mofia language but, Goff Ind. Park is in the county. It was set up by my understanding as a seperate entity probably so the city could not annex it. Why doesn't ACI develope that property on their own and without help from the City?
ACI would have given the property to the City to build a new Hospital.
Why? Because they want to make money building around the projects and on their property if possible!
Do you see that as wrong?
I really don't.
I do agree with another poster that the idea of moving the hospital is probably just a scare tactic - or maybe wishful thinking ?
I'm sorry but all I have to do is know Seibrant is a main part of thier group and I know something is wrong. He does only what is good for himself. They need to at least avoid the appearance of impropriaty and have Warren divorce his wife and step down from thier board.
Do you see that as wrong?
No, I am not saying that is wrong-
if they can convince the public and the other business owners that is the direction forward. But, what will that do for the old parts of town?
It might, however, reduce the opportunity for competition both for the project and any development around it. It also uses Public Money (City) to improve or develope infra structure for a separate entity. (Not in the City Limits).
Why don't you just build the hospital at Strother Field. It is the same basic principal!
The city can make no money by taxing either entity!
For the record that is smart business on the part of ACI!
But, again I have to ask why now and what has prevented them from developing the complex in the past?
What would they have at risk?
What would they have to gain?
Then there is that other subject-
Like getting all those recently passed ordinances repealed like the windows ordinance - who would have a interest in that?
People said the same thing about downtown dying when K-Mart and Wal-mart came to town. Face it folks, the old way of having different stores for everything is in the past.
Face it folks, the old way of having different stores for everything is in the past.
That might be true - but there are also those who have a vested interest in keeping property valuation as low as they can by letting their property devalue!
Fry said in the first meet the candidates newspaper article that he does not like the location of the new hospital. I would say that it is a great sign that Fry is against progress. No other candidate said anything about the location being wrong. Its scary to think if Fry and/or Matthews get elected that we could have more of the same commission.
"They need to at least avoid the appearance of impropriaty and have Warren divorce his wife and step down from thier board."
What in blazes does this mean?
maybe look at who he's in bed with?
as to Fry, I think he's just reflecting the voice of a lot folks in town who want a new hospital but didn't wish to see it moved so far out north.
I would hope any reasonable person would uphold the windows ordinace even in the face of opposition from the worst offenders.
"Why? Because they want to make money building around the projects and on their property if possible!
Do you see that as wrong?"
What do you mean? They are going to profit out of this?????? What....ACI? I thought they were the martyrs of non profit right? It was all listed in that article from the paper that they were to gain nothing from the big box store.
Now you can see why they were doing it, and why there was such an up rise when it did not happen. They want the city to bring the water and power to them so the cost for them to develop is less. Thus more profit. They blew this martyr feeling by everyone in the emotional state of the big box store. It also looked great on the surface, but once you get to the details, it is not as wonderful as it seems. There is a reason why most communities are rejecting them for retail including Winfield (whom the developer was not truthful about going to first). There is a risk my friend.
It is a similar misunderstanding when we talk about the downtown improvement that happened due to money from the state for the length of highway in town being turned back over from the states responsibility back to the city due to the new bypass. Many people (including at least one on the council at the time) felt this state money had to be spent downtown. Wrong. That money was for the entire stretch of summit and part of Madison that the state was giving back to the city. The money is given when this happens to get the streets to a new point where they are not a burden on the city to repair for a long time. Instead we spend it all in a few blocks (I am not saying it is not nice) and we raise a tax to rebuild streets. I do not think as many would have been in favor of all the money spent in a few blocks if they would have known its full intended use.
Best thing I can tell people to do is to look into things yourself. Stop being lambs. Ask questions, but do not always accept what you hear as law. Hopefully you will get truthful answers.
I have a couple of questions for you Pat, now that you are on the forum here. The discussion of conflict of interest has been real hot and heavy. So my question to you Pat, have you ever received business from the city for anything you sell? Vacuums? Filters? Belts? Service? I would also like to know if your brother’s computer shop has received any business from the city. If we are going to look at connections, let’s look at them across the board. If there was business was they below the amount to go up for a bid? If so, was the business spread out?
Not sure why Warren's wife was ever mentioned...she is a former teacher and not even from here. Also, what difference does it matter who you sleep or have coffee with? I have never voted the same as my spouse and yes we do sleep together and even drink coffee together.
People can decide what they want for the future. More of the same or a return of respect and logic. Mel and Dotty are supporting Scott, Fry and Matthews...that should help you decide what you want. More of the same or a change.
Can you imagine a commission with all of them and no one else...
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