Thursday, February 21, 2008

a suggestion

Many of you like to post anonymously, which is OK.
However, I know some post fairly regularly. It would be nice to be able to kind of keep track of who is who.
Could you guys just create a name to post with?
Would just be a way of being able to keep track and keep the conversation going.

Use any name you like.
what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Sure thing. Count me in. I am always wondering if I am debating with 1 person or several people. It seems like the same person but who knows?

Jean Snell said...

How about your actual name. What a concept.

Anonymous said...

You probably don't want to use your real name in case one of these nut cases decides to cut your tires or burn down your house.

It is probably best to leave it as it is. Once you have monikers, then you will have people aliasing them (it has already happened with real names).

Then what do you do?

Best to leave the way it was.

Unknown said...

The thing is, no one has any way of knowing if its your real name or not.
But I do like the idea of using a name of some kind.
My real name is Britney Spears.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Too many eye pokes.

Anonymous said...

Quit boxing my ears.

Anonymous said...

Shut your mouth.

Anonymous said...

James, why would we want to post our real names? We are having so much fun watching you try to figure out who we are. Especially when you are wrong. Hey, Pat?

By the way, what are you going to do? Tell on us?:))

Anonymous said...

If anyone wanted to whois or dig, you're not as anonymous as you might think.

Traveler Editor said...

By the way, what are you going to do? Tell on us?:))
not me, im good a keeping secrets.
i just wanted to be able to associate certain ideas with names.
i dont care if its a real name or not.
this might not really be james ... i might be an undercover agent for winfield.
or part of some other conspiracy

Anonymous said...

Jordan,...James Jordan, secret agent of change.

Anonymous said...

I hope he figures it out soon , i am tired of watching him feel around for them as he walks down the street
You wrote:
Ah Patrick
at least the guy in the paper uses his name. :)

James, I'm sorry but it looks like you really wanted to know this person's name and jumped to conclusions here.

You wrote:
i just wanted to be able to associate certain ideas with names.
i dont care if its a real name or not.

Are you sure about that? You could have fooled me.
You wrote:
who is gopokes
i think i know, but ....
maybe send me an email, i wont tell.
If you do not want the real names, then why do you keep asking for them?

Anonymous said...

Cool. You sure got him on that one.

Boy. It sure is suspicious that he is secretly trying to get us to reveal our true identities while tricking us to make us believe that he really doesn't care.

Wow, how sneaky. If I didn't know this I might have fallen for the trap and been fooled into revealing it all.

Probably a trick for identity theft to bring in additional illegal immigrants to assume our real names.

Thanks for pointing that out, motherof2 (aka) racist citizen of AC.

This sort of thing might make you paranoid if you didn't have a sharp eye like hers looking out for tricks like this.

Traveler Editor said...

i never met a conspiracy theory i didn't like.

Anonymous said...

What is really tricky is the people who post under their "real" names and then post anonymously so they can have more than one opinion.

Traveler Editor said...

What is really tricky is the people who post under their "real" names and then post anonymously so they can have more than one opinion.

Schizophrenia ?

Anonymous said...

It's called sock-puppet.
Where a person is talking to their hand covered in a sock.

Anonymous said...

Some people think sock-puppets are sheep, but only some of them are.

Anonymous said...

In our case, some are wolves.