Monday, April 6, 2009

About the live blogs

I just wanted to explain to everyone how did some things in an effort to be fair to everyone.
The way the schedule was working, Scott Margolius is today on the radio.
That would mean his story - which all the other candidates have received - would not have shown up in the paper until tuesday evening, which would be after most people had voted.
So, I went ahead and interviewed him Saturday, took the photo, and put it in today's - Mondays' - paper. He will still be on the radio tonight, answering the questions again.
This way he will get a story the day before the election. The story will appear in the paper before the live blog does.
So just in case there is any confusion, that is what is happening.


Anonymous said...

Did Margolius really say he wants to keep the positive momentum going. The current commission has brought more shame to this city over the last 2 years than I have seen in the past 30 years. Good gravy!

If you care about the future of AC and do not think its current state or worse is the way to go - vote for Warren, Snell, and McDonald.

Anonymous said...

From the article, Marolius is obviously delusional and suffering from narcissistic tendancies

Anonymous said...

JJ, I don't really think the way you are doing this is unfare to anyone, but I would have rather seen a recap of all the commissioners in tonights paper, moving all the stories back one day. A spotlight in tonights paper is especially helpful to a candidate as it keeps him in everyones mind tomorrow. Please take this as more of an idea for the future. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

lighten up francis

Anonymous said...

I see lots of building going on down town and lots of investment in the last 2 years. The meat market, Double Eagle Arms, renovation on the Spark's building, Brick Vining remodeling and then renting to K&D pharmacy, facelift and remodel for Mid-West Electric Supply. All in the last 2 years and possibly only because of the current commisson of which Scott Margolis was a major factor. Why did none of this investment ever happen during the last commission. Probably because they new the had a Lowes hanging over their head.

Anonymous said...

So it's okay to ignore the will of the majority of your city's citizens? I think not, and my vote will reflect just that.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Margolius is a vote for Smith and Kuhn. It started with the big box, and except for a few minor deviations, still controls the commission today.

Anonymous said...

Let's show the commission what happens when you vote against the will of the people. Vote out the three amigos.

Anonymous said...

Today we will city what the majority of citizens really REALLY thinks about the big box.