Monday, August 13, 2007


I noticed that the city of Winfield has a small controversy going over whether a person can have more than three animals , which is what the city ordinance says. Part of the problem there too though is the breed of dog. The people have Rotweilers and Pit Bulls, not exactly the kind of dog you want to see in any kind of numbers.

If someone wanted more than three Cocker Spaniels, there might not be the outcry.

Arkansas City has a similar ordinance and also has the limit at three for animals older than six months. Obviously, if a dog has a litter of puppies, you would be over the limit probably, so that's why they set it at six months.

They way they are interpreting it, it means three of any one kind of animal. So you could have three dogs, three cats and three hamsters I suppose. Fish in an aquarium also don't count because fish are not really animals.

Hmmmm, If the Evolutionists are right, and we are nothing more than an animal that happened to evolve into a higher level of intelligence, wouldn't having more than three people in a house also be a violation? Anyone want to debate that topic?

Winfield has a provision to apply for an exception - which is what has created their little debate. Arkansas City's ordinance does not have that provision, though there are exceptions for veterinarians and maybe a couple other things.

That is part of the price you pay for living in a city. There are advantages to living in a city and to not living in a city. If you lived out in the country and it was a long way to your next neighbor, no one would care how many of what kind of animal you had.

But in the city, you are closer to others, and there is more of a chance that your animal will bother your neighbor.

We do all have rights, but our rights ends where someone else's right begins.



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