Monday, December 31, 2007


Hey folks
i am in tennessee visiting family.
its about 60 degrees here on new years eve, but snow is predicted.
a good snow here is 2 inches.

ill try to check in now and then
lets get some ideas going

its up to us the people to make things happen....

you can make your own reality :)


Anonymous said...

Came across your blog & thought I'd say "Hi From Tasmania"
Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

enjoy your time off. You've earned it! See you when you get back.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for the work you do, and glad that you get a vacation. But we do rely on you very much.

Did you ever think it is up to the newspaper to make things happen? Digging out the facts and reporting things we don't know? Not expressing an opinion, but providing us with the information we need to figure out what is going on. Sometimes we see that. Sometimes we see that too late.

Is there more that you can do for us? Where else can you look? Who else can you talk to that we can't? Why do you wait until the last minute to tell us?

You give us what we need. You are the only source of detailed information in town. Please give us what we deserve.

Have a nice vacation and please think more about us when you get back

Traveler Editor said...

Did you ever think it is up to the newspaper to make things happen?

I have thought of that.
A lot of it is just having time to do it.
on the lowe's deal, a lot of things were in the paper, but no one noticed .. like the fact that the vote was not a vote on lowes , but on the district .. that was in several times.

but you do make a good point
ill be back monday

one point i want to make is that our greatest source is our readers.
let me know what you know
we need to help each other eh :)