Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Work session

Commissioners decided to hold off on their goal setting session last night. Commissioner Joel Hockenbury was missing so they decided to do it later.
They did talk about a few ideas though.
One would be to create a small industrial park. The city currently does not own one.
They also want to see how they can work with Ark City Industries.
They could also create an economic development board - and that has yet to be defined.

One interesting discussion item was whether to target certain industries and go after them. Not necessarily a specific industry, but a certain class of industry.
That is a possibility since most of the time industries are not beating a path to Arkansas City.

They are also talking about creating a disk-golf course, possibly near the old meat packing plant near the levy on Summit.

Whatever you think about the big box, there is now a sense of urgency among commissioners. They really do want do so something. Just exactly what isn't clear, and their is disagreement over how to do things, but ... they are talking and that is good.


Rick said...

I had planned to attend the meetig this evening but never made it. Sounds as if I really didn't miss much except the possibility of a disk-golf course. Hopefully they have planned on a parking lot for the tour buses. I do plan to attend the next meeting though - hope it is a little more productive.

Traveler Editor said...

yea not to mention a heli-port for national dignitaries that might want to come eh :)

actually it was a fairly productive meeting.
they talked about several ideas in detail.
the economic development board might be good.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the city thinks they need an industrial park. The one north of town doesn't seem to be filling up very fast, why do we need another one? Heard a rumor that Creek Stone is closing. Is this a fact or just a rumor?

Traveler Editor said...

Heard a rumor that Creek Stone is closing. Is this a fact or just a rumor?

I would bet on rumor.
it goes around every now and then.
THey do have seasonal layoffs at various times during the year. That's usually where the rumor starts.

but anything is possible i guess.

Anonymous said...

I relize that the community needs several things, but I can't see where a disk-golf course, or skate board park are going to be positives for us.
I would be more supportive of those projects, if at sometime in the future they would be self sufficient, or at least have fees associated with them like the golf course.