Thursday, June 26, 2008

planning ?

They didn't have a quorum at the planning commission meeting, so they were not able to have the hearing.
They were to have the hearing and make a recommendation back to the commission. 
There are three vacancies on the board now, and two of the remaining six did not show up.
About 20 people showed up, and some were upset about it getting put off again.

So now they will have to advertise a hearing again, and hold a new one.
Steve Archer says the city cannot act on it next week without the planning commission's blessing. 


Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm!!! How about that!

Just kidding, keep it correct and in order.

Anonymous said...

I guess it was too much trouble. Maybe it would be a good idea to get a commitment from a quorum to show up before wasting the money to advertise it again. It's pretty bad when the people on the planning board don't care enough to show up for their ONLY PUBLIC MEETING. Maybe that is why they are there. To stonewall.

Anonymous said...

maybe they are just fillabustering.

Anonymous said...

This just keeps getting better and better.

Traveler Editor said...

sybrant tried to filibuster, saying he wanted to go ahead and have a hearing anyways.

got some good quotes from the mayor.
he wasnt there, but wants to pass it anyway tuesday, not sure if they can or not.

Rick said...

If there are three vacancies, how are they filled? I have some spare time.

Traveler Editor said...

pick up an application at city hall, or on their web site... the commission goes over them and picks people.

Anonymous said...

James: Who were the members of the planning commission who were missing?

Did they have legitimate excuses for not being there?

Or were they just doing what the downtown business owners told them to do?

This is getting ridiculous.

IF they can, the commission should just pass this without waiting on the lame duck planning committee.

Traveler Editor said...

As I understand it.They could pass an ordinance without the planning commission.
A zoning change takes the planning commission's input.

I wrote down the names of those missing and now cant find my notes. ill get that and put it on here.
Their excuse as given in the meeting was that "they were unable to attend."

People at city hall told me it is on the agenda for this week, but it is not on the printed agenda that I have.
So i dont know.
But it will likely get discussed monday night and i guess it could still be put on for Tuesday.