Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just a political comment

I saw where McCain and Obama are trying to get undecided voters.
It's not that I'm undecided. I just don't like either one of them.


Anonymous said...

you have other choices.

Anonymous said...

But no other REALISTIC choices.

Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader is always there.

Traveler Editor said...

yea and chuck baldwin looks good.
hey it could happen.
i think that if enough people were to vote third party, it could screw up the electoral college and there would not be a winner.
course then, congress would pick the winner... maybe thats not so good.

Anonymous said...

I think Ross Perot would have won it if he hadn't backed out and then backed back in. He had a lot of good ideas about the way a country should operate.

It is WAY too late for any third party person to win now. I haven't even heard of any from the media, and we're 12 days out. Why waste a vote?

Traveler Editor said...

Why waste a vote?

To make a statement ?

Anonymous said...

People are in a mindset of Democratic or Republican,it would take a lot more campaigning for a third party to win. If you vote for a third party in the election, that vote just screws it up for the candidate that should of won, people. I personally think the electorial vote should be dumped and the country should go by actual numbers, then you have the real results.

Anonymous said...

well yes the electorial college is perhaps obsolete. Afterall it was created to "protect" the nation from uneducated peasants that had the right to vote, but could not read, much less write.

It has been used to swing entire elections the way the electorates saw fit.

Oh well, it has worked for this many years, and as long as the hanging chads, ACORN, and all the other BS is around, it really will not matter. Want to win? Buy the votes, want to really win? Promise the moon and sky, but deliver nothing--Thanks Barak Obama

Anonymous said...

Promise the moon and sky, but deliver nothing--Thanks Barak Obama

Yeah, Just like your GWB did, Right? Yeah, Thanks Bush for ALL that you've done for us.. You'll go down in history buddy boy.

I'm not trying to be all spelling police on ya, But he WILL be the next president and you need to learn how to spell his name right- It's Barack. And, Your so quick to say " Thanks Obama"- Like he's already been in office and hasn't done anything-Don't worry, Obama will deliver.

Traveler Editor said...

I do think Obama will win. History says its the Dem's turn.
I just dont have any reason to believe Obama will deliver any more than Bush didn't.
Hence my cynicism

Anonymous said...

"Don't worry, Obama will deliver."

Yeah, he will deliver our money to the lazy dirtbags who would rather sit around watching Judge shows on TV all day rather than getting a job...

He will deliver our guns to the bottom of the sea...

He will deliver the leadership of our military to the UN...

He will deliver Socialism to the masses...

And lastly, he will deliver the downfall of the social experiment called America.

It's just a shame that so many people believe what they see on TV from the liberal media.


Anonymous said...

Can you only imagine what would of happened now if Bush would have been allowed to privatize Social Security?

Anonymous said...

I was just joking about voting for Nader.

Anonymous said...

Copy and paste this link to learn about the financial crisis:

Anonymous said...

People keep blaming Bush for this economic crisis, but it was during Clinton's time in the oval office that the Dems passed deregulation of banks that allowed them to offer loans to people who couldn't pay. It all has been trickling down ever since. And NAFTA was a huge boom for the economy too (sarcasm).

Bush is an idiot to be sure, but he didn't cause this mess we're in now.

Anonymous said...

Good. But, the reality is that the man at the helm gets the blame. Whether he's at fault or not. In the Navy, the Captain is removed in the event of an accident. (whether it was his fault or not)

Prez. Bush got a bad rap on this one. (though I think he was pushing the "home ownership" wagon too)

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Alan Greenspan and more should be held accountable. If we have Democratic Administration, don't count on it. Republican Administration, maybe, maybe, maybe.
Nobody knows Frank, Dodd, Greenspan, etc. So Bush is the obvious scapegoat.

Plenty of blame to go around.

bytedaily said...

To blame the financial crisis solely on either party is ridiculous. People need to start holding their elected officials accountable for poor decision making.

apathy is negligence.