Tuesday, November 4, 2008

9 p.m.

Here are some results, these are the results with only a 7 precincts

for the county
obama 1398
mccain 1866

State SEnate District 32
Greta Goodwin 1817
Steve Abrams 1456

State REp. District 78
Ed Trimmer 1375
John Whittington 705

State Rep. District 79
]Kasha Kelley 643
Gene Burr 552

State Board of Ed
Dennis 1,581
Casanova 1,328

County Commission 2
Wilson 339
Voegele 258

County Commission 3
Groom 820
Clarkson 570

AC Questions
half cent sales tax

Yes 408
No 272

Yes 345
No 332


Anonymous said...

Oh boy i can't wait for my redistribution of wealth check from that Bastard Obama. Hell maybe we can even give him all of our states industry, so the socialist pig can have them too.

I must say that I despise this man!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you really despise you and just looking for someone to blame.

Anonymous number one sounds like those extremists over whom Americans claim moral highground.

Does hate language sound better because it comes from a citizen of USA? That blogger should not have access to guns or planes.

Such hatred and venom spewed within this Christian nation. Tsk tsk. Somehow you should invoke a religius right for your views. Dontcha think? Or is it, You betcha!

Anonymous said...

After close interspection and self examination, I still must say that it is Bastard Obama that I despise, not myself.
As for moral high ground...nope not me, and as for invoking God for this now MUSLIM controlled nation...nope not me.

So take your TSK TSK and stick it up your pitiful, uninformed ass.

You are nothing more than a communist supporter.

Anonymous said...

Go Get "Em ya "redneck"

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm not really an Obama fan either but hey i'm at least willing to give the man a chance. I guess it must suck to be you with so much hate built up.

Anonymous said...



You worthless communist

Anonymous said...


give a commie a chance and it will infect

it will kill

it will give up this country to the red plague

9/11 happened because passengers on planes did not have the backbone to stand up to the terrorists, they thought they would be ok if they complied.
Americans have become weak, and want everything for nothing.

So what should I do now wait til 2012 for the end of the world?

Afterall a supercomputer perdicted it to happen, Nostradamius said it will happen...as far as I am concerned it has happened.

Anonymous said...

You are a poopy head!

Anonymous said...

November 4, 2008 9:19 PM

Not necessary, the name calling!
Perhaps you could use a little help with your words.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! The same day that Obama wins the presidency my husband is told he is being laid off. It's going to be a great 4 years, huh? I hope the rest of you fair better through this Obomanation.

Anonymous said...

November 4, 2008 11:00 PM

Sorry to hear of your husband being laid off, but Obama had nothing to do with it.

Lay offs are a result of yesterdays habits. Time to buckle the seatbelts, and get ready for the ride.

Again, I am very sorry to hear about the lay off.

Anonymous said...

whatever you folishly think of President Obama, he clearly can express himself on a mor mature, more intellectual, more socially acceptable level than the ambassador for the McCain campaign who cn only utter cuss words and vulgar phrases.

I would think of a communist as one who might be as acidic about other opinions as the anonymous blog terrorist.

America's past leadership and its party simply have lost their grip. Wild and unfounded accusations are but a diversion for the comuppance of 8 years of robbing the working class folks and bankrolling the good tie train for the Halliburton, the energy companies and the rogue bankers with their multimillion dollar annual bonuses.

No remorse for their recklessness. Just this adolescent tirade of filthy name calling and cussing. My goodness! Take your $800billion dollar booty from the Bush administration and be a gracious loser for once in your life.

Ahhh. That is clearly too much to ask.

Anonymous said...

Obama is to blame for your husband getting laid off? WOW, Now that's amazing considering he just got elected and doesn't actually get into office until JAN. But you folks know everything on here right? Sometimes I think it's the same people over and over... Just posting to fight and hear themselves speak.

Let's all do each other a favor and stop being so damn DRAMATIC! Blaming someone who just got the job less than 24 hours for your husband losing his job is absurd, Open your eyes and realize this wasn't HIS doing... I'm sorry that he lost his job... But you know deep down inside who is the true person to blame. It's shame, Because you probalby voted for him.

Anonymous said...

I would not blaim Obama entirely for the layoff. I just think it's a weird coincidence. It seems that the large companies who buy private jets are saying they will not be able to buy one next year. I'm sure knowing their taxes are going up doesn't help that situation. The rest of them can not get financing from the banks. I, personally, do not think that is entirely Bush's fault, either.

One thing is for sure, though. The Democrats will have 2-4 years to turn this thing around. No one else will receive the credit or the blame. It will be interesting to see. Finally we will know who is answering to us, THE PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I noticed Obama is already warning the people that he may not be able to fix this things in four years. I have news for you. In presidential terms, that is a life time. You have no roadblocks, so what is the problem?

Traveler Editor said...

You have no roadblocks, so what is the problem?

Same thing I asked about the Bush administration.
In saying it may take more than 4 years, obama is just starting his campaign for re-election.

Anonymous said...


Think about the big economic turn the nation took with the big bail out...
Think about all of our part in the downward spiral of our economic situation.
We all play a part, a big part. Buying stuff we cannot afford. Wanting everything right now.

Please... people, most of the blame lies within the walls of our home, on 4 tires in the drive, and on our bad attitudes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe jj should have deleted some of these earlier comments.

Anonymous said...

I guess when people say the new president or any president is the most powerful person in the world.
I say What?
It is a known fact that the top ten maybe even twenty percent of smartest most qualified people won't run for Public Office.
Why should they when they can make so much more in the private sector? It's not my intent to diminish the new Prsident elect. But I think we can see why the best won't run!
If Warren Buffet, Colin Powell,
T Boone Pickens backed Obama I can't see they'll let him get to far astray.