Sunday, January 18, 2009

Interactive story

Here is the end of Friday's blog. Some people were getting creative .. I thought maybe the story could continue. This could get the Jan. 27 thing going,. Im really going to do that. Im going to let my dog blog for a few days. She's been bugging me for months to do it anyway.

Here is the story .. please add to it as you are inspired to do so.


we will continue our fight for world conquest through pancake feeds and child identification without your support bwa haha

Can you identify the children WHILE they are eating pancakes.
Now that would be the trick.

That's when we ear tag them and start the brainwashing process. Ultimate goal is to get them into the pancakes. Along with the German Shepperds.

Ill bet the German Shepherds like the pancakes too.
Though id imagine they are not as partial to maple syrup.. probably prefer some german type covering instead .. streussel maybe..

But im still not clear ...
do your shepherds eat the children
or do the chldren eat the shepherds

or maybe thats just a cover for the abduction by aliens.
the lions clubs are a front for the aliens... much more sinister than the masonites.

Leave the German Shepherds alone.
They are good farmers just like Kansans, They just herd sheep instead of cows. And dress funny.


Anonymous said...

You want to be creative!
What if you built a bullet train on the median of I-35 to run from Dallas to KC.
Had specific points along the route for pickup.
Lets try for a least 200 mph.
Tell me how you just changed the dynamics of the those central states.
The problem is we can't get there
subsiding Autos, Oil Companies and
Foreign Governments!

Anonymous said...

Good point.
What effect would this have on the german shepherds at the masonic lodge.
They could sure get to their secret meetings and ultra secret conventions quicker.

Anonymous said...

The masonic lodge already has said train it just runs through the depths of hell instead of above ground and is fueled by the blood of baby seals (very hard to find in Kansas).

Anonymous said...

Just came from the MLK Celebration at the Brown Center. Well Done.