Tuesday, March 31, 2009

city commission candidate Bob Mathews


Anonymous said...

Can someone clarify the city attorney question for me? I do not understand how that is an election issue. The city uses its attorney to prosicute in municpal court, write ordinances, and in general handle the basic municipal legal issues the city would face. Other attorneys are used only when specialty circumstances arise, such as bond issuances and litigation issues over a certain amount that the city's insurance provider pays for. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree. Changing City Attorneys every couple of years is a dumb idea. Just when they get good at their job you want to kick them out?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

What has been done that is unethical? It is my understanding that if an attorney does things unethically that they can loose their license. Please enlighten me.

Anonymous said...

it is sad that submittals are deleted when they contain truth, it is this kind of thinking that keeps Arkansas city in the gutter.
It takes brave men to clean a house of wolves and cowards to protect them from the hunter

Anonymous said...

Was not impressed with Mr. Mathews. Seems like a version of "Grumpy ole Men"

I heard no vision, no inovation, no ideas, = no future.

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask Mr. Mathews about having his neighbors cat put to sleep.

Traveler Editor said...

it is sad that submittals are deleted when they contain truth,

I am not going to allow an anonymous poster to say a public official is engaging in unethical behavior.
that is slander and ill not allow it.
if you have the guts, go to a commission meeting, identify yourself, and make your accusations.
ill take a picture of you :)

legally, we are not permitted to edit posts, its all or nothing.
if any thing needs deleting, the whole post gets delated
you may repost it with that part out of it.

Kanyon said...

The questions that were submitted came in all forms. We sent out I think 13 questions ahesd of time so that the canidates would be able to look them over and get some research if they needed to.

The city attorney question says do you think we should bid the office out every 2-4 years. I don't know what the writer was going for I kinda of thought they were thinking like a county attorney position where they are elected every four years. I put the question in the ones that was given out ahead of time. Because I didn't know of any other city does it or not.

So I am not sure how they thought that it had to do with the election of the city commission either but..... I don't write them I just reads them.... LOL

The cancer one has received a lot of comments. There was a group that came together to try and figure out something about the high number of cancer in this area. But I will see if I can find out what that was about and who was involved.

Anonymous said...

JJ said:

"I am not going to allow an anonymous poster to say a public official is engaging in unethical behavior. that is slander and ill not allow it."

Actually, it's only slander if it's not true. If it is true, they call that news. You should google it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's only slander if it's not true. If it is true, they call that news. You should google it.

well most of the time news usually has something more substantial than an anonymous poster ... meaning someone not brave enough to say it publicly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, most of the time, news is just one person telling a story that happened to them.

How many whistle blowers have made the news? TONS of them.

Just because it is known to only a few does not mean it isn't true.

Why don't you let us decide. After all, you left up the post about hi having his neighbors cat put to sleep, how much worse than that could it have been?

charles said...

I am not the author of the question on the City Attorney issue. I think the interest, however, may have been towards the fact that the City Attorney typically retains their private practice while serving in the office. Clearly, there is not enough funds to offset a typical attorney income. Thus, the city retains legal counsel as selected (hired) by the City Manager.

In the past, there were legal fees for each piece of work done by the designate City Attorney beyond attending meetings and offering legal advice on proposed ordinances, procedural questions or statutory complaince.

Ordinances were written (and re-written) at a per hour fee. Contracts or other legal documents were also prepared at standard rates.

Concurrently, there is (or once was) a rotational appointment of Strother Field Attorney between Winfield and Arkansas City. In the past, the City Attorney from either city would hold the SFC seat at an additional compensation.

In Municipal services, the principal role is to draft ordinances to be written in compliance with state (or federal) statute and to protect the elected and non-elected officers of the city from liability in their actions. Municipal court appearances to prosecute the cases brought by local police is another duty. Those matters rarely go to full trial.

When litigation does occur, it is the standing practice of the City to hire outside counsel. Mostly, the City attorney offers legal advice.

hence the question might point towards whether it is feasible to rotate the service to other interested local attorneys so that they might have equal opportunity to subsidize their private practice with the CA salary adn commensurate compensations.

The selection is the duty of the City Manager. The City Counsel would determine if the practice needed to change to rotational.

Now, does that adequately confuse the curious?

Anonymous said...

Jean Snell, friend?

This is probably not the first you have heard any of this, lest we soon forget:

When Jean first arrived, his former employer Colby, KS called to thank us for taking him, they had all the friendship they could handle. Now as the teachers of USD 470 come out with all of their tails of friendship no one can believe that he came in last for his first bid for a commissionership, what were we thinking?

Yes it’s true he sometimes fails to tell the truth but that’s because the truth is not always right. He had to exaggerate by over 1000 about how many times the internet had been viewed, otherwise he could not get his friend a job, the 100K plus spent by the school was for friendship, therefore worth it.

The episode of the sexual harassment against the maintenance supervisor cost USD 470 way over 100 grand. He was Jean’s pal and being his pal will be an expense to someone. When he failed to inform the school board of his spending a substantial amount on a consultant, it was in the name of friendship. He saved his friends on the board from the embarrassment for not understanding.

The most endearing and lasting impact of Jean is in technology! Our friend eliminated most all forms of technical training thank goodness. The shop class doesn’t build a house any more, or chairs or cabinets in fact we don’t have woodworking, or welding, or machine shop, that’s because its best to send all of the kids to college, just like him, working is for suckers. We did get a new Tec Lab that was never used and sold at auction for pennies on the dollar.

These are just a few of the acts of friendship we have endured I mean were blessed with. Jean should continued to be the BFF of the Burford and not so much the rest of us, we don’t have that kind of money.

If there are any doubts, check it out, Google in ‘USD 470 lawsuit’ for a start.

Educationalists in the Ark City Tea Party

Anonymous said...

watch out i feel JJ is gonna delete to defeat slander

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that Kuhn has Bob Matthews signs in front of his business and at his home? There also seems to be a lot of Matthews signs in front of old, dilapidated, almost abandoned looking rental homes all around town? Is Dotty Smith putting them on all of her rental properties? I wonder who is biggest supporters are?